The Date-Chapter 14

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(I'm making a lot of characters pov because I want this story to be long)

(Jazmine Pov)

Jazmine:(I was getting ready for my date, I feel special, I feel loved from someone that treats me well than my past relationships. Huey was amazing to it was just a lot of disagreements me between us and unfaithfulness)

(Jazmine got ready for hee date and this was her outfit)

(Jazmine got ready for hee date and this was her outfit)

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Jazmine: I think this is cute

(Jazmine got ready and soon Chase arrived and honk)

(Jazmine then went outside and got in the car)

Chase: Damn.. you look gorgeous

Jazmine: *giggling* Thanks

(Chase then drove away from Jazmine's house)

Chase: So where you want to eat at?

Jazmine: Hmm Chick n fila

Chase: Okay and by the way I got these flowers for you and a gift *gives her the gifts*

Jazmine: Oh my god thank you! *Smiling* I love Pink Roses

Chase: I know *smiling*

Jazmine: You know, you make me really happy and I appreciate it

Chase: I'm glad I haven't been in a relationship for a while now

Jazmine: Same I been emotional a lot of times but my dad always tells me everything will get better just gotta be patient and make changes

Chase: True *smiling*

(They arrived at chick n fila and got out of the car)

Chase: Go ahead and sit at the table outside I'll bring the food

Jazmine: Okay! *Sitting down*

Jazmine: *texting Cindy*

Cindy: hey how's the date?

Jazmine: good so far I actually like this guy

Cindy: That's good I'm glad you moved on I been waiting

Jazmine: Oh shut up I mean Huey was better but this guy is very polite and cares about me genuinely

Cindy: Yeah yeah whatever but have you heard they is not officially together

Jazmine: who?

Cindy: Huey and Y/N dumbass

Jazmine: Oh I didn't know that

Cindy: Damn you're late

Jazmine: I'm pretty sure they just got together yesterday so I'm not really that "late"

Cindy: Girl you missed the joke

Jazmine: How did you find out?

Cindy: Riley told me

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