Liar- Chapter 21

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(Julianne Pov)

(Julianne went back to her seat and just sat there angrily)

Chase: Hell wrong with you?

Julianne: Nothing Curly head shut the fuck up!

Chase: *Holding hand up like a girl* Okay girl damn

Julianne: *rolling eyes and thinking to herself*

Julianne:(I just don't understand. Why her!? I thought I only saw him as a friend but then I started catching these feelings for him)

Julianne:( I'm pretty sure any girl that saw him fell on their knees. He fine as hell and plus the way he be scowling be so sexy. And the way he smells. He smells like that cologne every girl loves. And his muscles. Ugh everything about him is sexy I wonder what's he's like in bed)

Julianne: (But why it gotta be her!?!)

(Y/N pov)

Y/N: (Idk if I'm tripping or not but I'm pretty sure I just saw Julianne staring at us)

Y/N: (Oh well, she looked pretty jealous)

Y/N: *breaking the Kiss* Hey uhm imma go upstairs and unload my clothes and put it in my dressers okay?

Huey: Okay. need help?

Y/N: No thank you but thanks baby

Huey: You're welcome *walking away*

(Y/N went upstairs to unload her clothes that was in her suitcase and folding them)

(Soon Julianne came upstairs and saw Y/N folding her clothes)

Julianne: So. Didn't know you and Huey was together "again"

Y/N: Yeah...What that gotta do with you?

Julianne: I wanted him you know

Y/N: Too bad. He wanted me move on

Julianne: Idek what he even sees in you. I see whore that's what I see

Y/N: *chuckling* whore? You funny. Thinking about becoming a comedian?

Julianne: *Getting angry* I was building a connection with him and you just had to come and ruin that!

Y/N: look sweetheart even if I didn't he still wouldn't want you anyways

Julianna: If I wanted to have sex with him I could of already did it!

Y/N: With force? Damn I didn't know you was in the thirsty bitches club. Need some water?

Julianne: No but I need you to break up with him

Y/N: Listen here little girl

Julianne: Little!?

Y/N: I love him and I'm not about to leave him just because you want to get with him and be all on his dick!

Julianne: Bitch I Want him so give him up! He doesn't love you! I'm damn sure he never did!

Y/N: No! I'm not giving him up. You not even a good material that he is looking for or wants!

Julianne: *getting angry*

(Julianne and Y/N was going back and forth.Yelling at each other and defending on who should have Huey)

(This caused the guys to hear and go upstairs and listen to make sure they don't get out of hand with fighting)

Julianne: He should be mines

Y/N: HE'S MY MAN! And he will stay that title until we don't work out anymore. Whether you like it or not cuz I don't give 2 shits.

Julianne: UGH!

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