The Baby's Gender- Chapter 36

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(6 weeks later. It was the day for Y/N appointment. She was excited to find out the baby's gender. She was up before Huey and already ready. Her appointment was until 11. So she decided to make breakfast even though Huey was gonna be pissed.)

(Huey then woke up from his sleep and yawned. He was looking on the opposite side of him and saw that Y/N was no there. He then sensed something that smelled like breakfast. He gotten out of bed and went downstairs.)

Huey: Y/N *yawns* what the hell is you doing

Y/N: I'm making breakfast love

Huey: Y/N what did I tell you

Y/N: I know!! But I'm only a couple weeks pregnant so I'll be fineeee

Huey: You're actually a month in a half pregnant

Y/N: Okayyyy I see you keeping track

Huey: *rolling eyes* you missing the point

(Huey got up from his seat and pour himself some orange juice. Y/N was done cooking and put his plate on the table. Y/N put her plate next to him and she sat down)

Y/N: Woo

Huey: You okay?

Y/N: Of course just saying woo from the work

Huey: I told you to let me do

Y/N: I knowwww but I want to help contribute

Huey: Yeah I get it

(Huey kissed her lips passionately and she kissed back)

Y/N: You have man breath *giggling*

Huey: Yeah Uhm I'm supposed to and thank you for the food

Y/N: You're welcome

Huey: And you're already dressed..of course I seen it coming

Y/N: Yes! I'm so excited to see what's the gender of my child!!!!

Huey: I am too but damn

Y/N: *giggling*

(When they finished eating their pancakes. Y/N was sitting on the couch while Huey went upstairs to go get ready. Huey was in the showered and Y/N was watching TV while texting Cindy and Jaz in a group chat. Huey then gotten dress and came back downstairs.)

Y/N: You smell good

Huey: Thanks

Y/N: What's that?

Huey: It's cologne and plus from the soap

Y/N: ooo *smirking*

Huey: I pray for you everyday from your slowness

Y/N: HA! Whatever shut up you ready to go?

Huey: Yeah

(Huey grabbed your car keys and they headed to your car.)

Y/N: Why we gotta take mines.

Huey: Because you said you wanted to drive.

Y/N: Wait I can drive!?

Huey: No we just driving your car. It's the same thing you're just in the passenger seat hehehehe.

Y/N: Fuck you

Huey: Sure I got you when we get back

Y/N: boy-

(They gotten in the car and put their seatbelts on. They started driving to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital they check in and was told to go to Keisha's office because she was already ready for them. They went to Keisha office and went inside.)

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