Huey's Birthday-Chapter 19

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(Today was Huey's Birthday. Everyone was planning about what to do on his birthday while Huey was with Julianne at the aquarium)

(Y/N Pov)

Y/N: So what should we do for Huey since it's his birthday today?

Cindy: hmmm I'm not sure

Jazmine: How about we go to the club!???!!

Riley: That sounds dope as fuck

Y/N: Hmm yeah that sounds fun

Chase: But how we gonna get him to go?

Jazmine: We gonna force him to go

Cindy: Yep

Y/N: Okay cool the club it is but what should we get him as his gifts

Riley: The club is his gift

Y/N: No I mean birthday presents

Riley: The club is his birthday present

(Cindy smacked Riley's head)

Riley: AH! You gon stop smacking me ho

Cindy: *rolls eyes* anyways we should get Huey some presents but what does he exactly like?

Jazmine: I know he loves reading

Y/N: Yeah but what is he exactly into?

Riley: He likes black people and history

Y/N: hmmm yeah

Jazmine: We can get him a Malcolm X book I know he loves him

Y/N: Okay! But what else? I don't just want to buy him a plain ass book

Ceaser: How about you do something with him tonight you know birthday sex?

Riley:Yeah I mean who doesn't like birthday sex that's the best present on birthdays

Jazmine: Everyone likes that

Ceaser: Mhm. So Y/N you should do that

Y/N: What! We not even together

(Everyone looked at her, smirking)

Cindy: Do you think we slow?

Y/N: I have no idea what y'all talking about so and no I don't think y'all slow

Ceaser: We know you and Huey had sex when we all was at the Zoo

Y/N: Idk what made y'all think that but-

Riley: There was no White Tiger

Y/N: Uhm..what you talking about

Chase: Yeah, we only said that so Julianne would believe it, cause she always in someone business and investigating

Y/N:...Uhm that doesn't mean we did that

Ceaser: *chuckling* that's not what I heard from that couple that was walking pass me.

Y/N:What Couple?

Ceaser: A couple walked pass me and was talking about some people was having sex in a Aston Martin V12 Vantage


Cindy: And we know Huey drives a Aston Martin V12 Vantage

Y/N: It could of been someone else you know?

Riley: yeahhhh but Nope plus y'all came back sweaty

Jazmine: And your hair was messy, real messy to believe that y'all was "running"

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