Hugo Freeman-Chapter 41

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(A couple weeks later after the delivery. Y/N had to go back to work. So I decided to stay home and spend time with the baby. Even though it was a pain.)

(Huey pov)

Hugo: GAHHH!

Huey: Okay I get that but you need to eat something. It just pear applesauce


Huey: Okay okay

Huey: Here comes the airplane

(Hugo opened his mouth and was tasting the applesauce from the spoon. He then smiled and scowled again.)

Huey: See it wasn't bad wasn't it

Hugo: Eh

(Huey picked Hugo up and hold him up in the air. Hugo was looking at him and then Huey let him play with his hair. Hugo loved Huey's hair even though they have the same afro. It just felt more softer to him and it was bigger than his.)

(Huey then went to go sit on the couch and put Hugo next to him.)

Hugo: GAHHH!

Huey: What's wrong now

(Hugo started crying, but Huey didn't know why.)

Huey: Tired?

(Hugo nodded his head, understanding what his father was asking him. Huey picked him up and patted on his back gently until he falls asleep. When Hugo fell asleep Huey put him in his bassinet. Soon there was a knock at the door. Huey got up from the couch and went to open the door and saw that it was Ceaser.)

Huey: Hey Ceaser

Ceaser: Hey man. How's the baby?

Huey: He alright just sassy

Ceaser: Yeah I feel ya. Just wait until he's a toddler. It's gonna get worse

Huey: Come in

(Ceaser walked in and shut the door behind him. Huey and Ceaser then went and sat on the couch.)

Huey: So what's up?

Ceaser: Nothing I just wanted to check up on you. Plus I'm bored. The kids at daycare, My girl at work, just bored as hell

Huey: Yeah I get it I mean it be like that some-

(Hugo woke up and started crying again. Huey picked him up and looked at him in his eyes. Then Hugo stopped crying, looked at him and then scowled at him*)

Ceaser: Damn. Yep that's you.

Huey: Oh shut up I don't scowl all the time

Ceaser: Yes you do. You're doing it now. You don't ever smile. Sometimes but you scowl more than smiling

Huey: I don't have to smile all the time this is just my neutral face

Ceaser: Yeah but nobody would know that because you look mad all the time even though you're not mad

Huey: Yeah I guess. Are you done crying now?

(Hugo looked at Ceaser, and then looked back at Huey. Hugo then spoke to Huey)

Hugo: Mama

Huey: HUH?

(Ceaser was dying of laughter)

Hugo: Mama

Huey: No Mama's not here I'm Papa

Hugo: Heheeee Papa

Huey: Yes Me papa

Hugo: Hehehe Gahhhh

(Huey brought Hugo close to his face. And rubbed his nose on Hugo's. Hugo giggled and touched Huey's face)

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