Why you're avoiding me?-Chapter 49

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(Hugo woke up from his nap and got ready for school. Huey decided to drop Hugo off at school. So when Hugo was done getting ready, he went downstairs to eat breakfast. He then grabbed his bookbag and phone and went out of the door. Huey dropped Hugo off at school. And Hugo walked in the school.)

Hugo: Hey guys

Jesse: Hi Hu

King: Sup Nigga

Kimberly: Hey hu hu! Where Levi?

Hugo: I don't know...

King: You didn't see him? I thought y'all was gonna walk to school with each other.

Hugo: He didn't give me no text or calls so

Kimberly: When the last time y'all talked?

Hugo: Last night. He was crying but said his nose was just stuffy. I don't believe that shit

Jesse:Then why you think he's crying?

Hugo: I don't know that's what I'm trying to figure out.

(Levi then walked in the school but walked pass them like he didn't see them and went off to class.)

King: Yoo! What the fuck is up with him?

Hugo: I don't know imma figure that out

(Hugo walked pass them and started to run off to Levi to see what's up with him.)

Hugo: Levi!

Levi: Go away Hugo

Hugo: Yo! What the fuck is your problem

(Levi was trying to walk faster but Hugo pinned him against the locker. Levi couldn't help but blush heavily while looking all over the place but him.)

Hugo: What is up with you

Levi: Nothing Okay, I just didn't want to get you guys sick.

Hugo: Yeah but you didn't say hi or nothing. And why your eyes so red.

Levi: Im sick Hugo.

Hugo: You don't look sick. You been crying all night haven't you?

Levi: No Hugo, will you just let me go so I can get to class. I'm gonna be late I have an exam!

Hugo: *sighs while backing up from him* alright. Just call or at least send a damn text later.

(Hugo walked away, Levi sighed to himself and continued walking to class. Hugo walked back to his friends and his annoying ass cousin.)

Jesse: You talked to him?

Hugo: Yeah, he won't tell me what's wrong. He was running away from me...

King: Damn.

Kimberly: Maybe just give him some time.

Hugo: Yeah well I don't like patience. And I wanna know what's wrong with him before it drive me nuts. Then it will never get off my mind. *Rubbing temples*

King: I would just slap the shit out of him until he tells me what's wrong

(Everyone looked at him like he was crazy and insane as fuck.)

Jesse: No wonder why your ass is single.

King: Gurl, shut up you know you want all this.

Jesse: Ha, no the fuck I don't.

Kimberly: Anyways. I would just give him some time.

Hugo: Yeah well I don't like being left on delivered or avoid at that case. It just worse, let's head to class before we be late.

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