You got Issues-Chapter 54

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(Y/N pov)

Y/N: Babyyy

Huey: HUuhhhh

Y/N: Oh my god help me. My hair is so tangled

(Huey came in the bathroom and hugged Y/N from behind and kissing her neck.)

Huey: I told you to untangle it before you went to bed last night

Y/N: This vacation is the worst

Huey: Really? I find it funny.

Y/N: Oh my god. We is some bad parents we need to check on Hugo!

Huey: No, I texted him already and it only been a day since we was here.

Y/N: Oh. Well damn it

Huey: mmm. But he's okay

Y/N: I actually think Him and Levi is cute together

Huey: I thought so to. I mean I don't think it's right but I don't really care for real

Y/N: Yo Homophobic ass

Huey: No!....I'm hungry

Y/N: What the- how you change the subject so fast!

Huey: But I am hungry

Y/N: Get off of me *whining*

Huey: Why you so whiny today

Y/N: Because my hairrr. It's so tangled

Huey: I think it looks fine.

Y/N: Huey it looks fine to you because you don't give a fuck

Huey: Not true. I do give a fuck it just don't look tangled

Y/N: Move your hair through it

Huey: Okay...Oo shit


Huey: I mean...I can help you

Y/N: Hell nah. We can do it later.

Huey: Okay

(Huey phone started blowing up with text messages. Y/N checked to see who it was and it said some girl name Michelle.(

Y/N: Okay now see....who the fuck is this

Huey: Who? Who is it?

Y/N: who the fuck is Michelle...see you playing me let me go

Huey: Nooo baby let me speak

Y/N: No cuz you ain't shit

Huey: I- DAMN! I am shit. I am the shit

Y/N: Who is she! I don't know no Michelle!

Huey: She is my assistant at work!

Y/N: Yeah okay. I always knew you had hoes.

Huey: Baby I am not cheating. How long we been together

(Huey kissed Y/N neck while holding her by her waist. Y/N started giggling but trying to act mad.)

Y/N: Stoppp! You doing to muchhh and no just because we been married for so long doesn't mean you don't have hoes

Huey: I don't have hoes tho

Y/N: Yes you doooo oh my god. Delete her number

Huey: Baby I can't do that. She's one of my employees at the jobbbb

Y/N: what she do then?

Huey: She makes sure I'm not late to no meetings and keep me updated.

Y/N: Oh so she keeps you updated? With what? Her vagina!?

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