Pickles-Chapter 35

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(A few weeks later, Y/N belly grew bigger and she has been craving for pickles. Huey knew Y/N was not a pickle fan like that but he didn't understand why she wanted pickles all the time)

Y/N: Give me pickles!!!! Where the fuck is the pickles!!!!!

Huey: Damnnnn calm down I'll go get you some pickles

(Huey went in the kitchen to the refrigerator to get some pickles he phone started to blow up)

Y/N: Hueyyyy I look fat!!

Huey: No you don't and well you gonna have to deal with it until birth

Y/N: Ughhhh I know. This is gonna take a long ass time I have to carry this for 9 months

Huey: Why my phone keep blowing up

(Huey checked his phone and he gotten a notification saying that there was $400 spent on some comfortable clothing. Huey then yelled from the kitchen)

Huey: Babe!!

Y/N: Yes Hun?

Huey: Did you buy something on my iMac!?

Y/N: Yeah some clothing but how you know?

Huey: Because I got a lot of notifications saying that my package is here and telling me what's inside it!

Y/N: Oh sorry I didn't know I was on your account

Huey: *sighs* you never know shit

Y/N: No need to be rude but it's okay you love me anyways

Huey: Yes I do. Very

(Huey then walked in the living room with a bowl of pickles and gave it to Y/N)

Y/N: Thank you Hun

Huey: I don't understand why you so addicted to pickles

Y/N: I'm not the baby is

Huey: What- it's not even here

Y/N: Exactly that's why they call it pregnancy cravings

Huey: The fuck is that?

Y/N: It's like eating a particular food

Huey: Okay but why?

Y/N: Because it's healthy and the baby like pickles

Huey: Obviously

(Y/N put some sugar on the pickle and ate it. Huey just stared at her like she's some crazy woman. He then rubbed her belly. Wanting to know the gender and couldn't wait to see it.)

Y/N: I hope it's a girl

Huey: I hope it's a boy

Y/N: Okay but girls are better

Huey: And men is sexier

Y/N: Whatever Huey. We should make an appointment in a couple more weeks to see the gender of the baby

Huey: Okay. Let me go get this Amazon box.

Y/N: It came today??! Let me go get it

Huey: Yeahhhh no I'll go get it. I don't want you to moving around at all and I don't need you putting so much pressure on yourself

Y/N: Well I have to go to work to Huey

Huey: No you don't I called it off and told them the situation

Y/N: You did that for me? Wow thanks love

Huey: Mhm

(Huey went outside the house and grabbed the box. He went back in and brought it in the living room. He then opened in and took them out. He raised his eyebrow and stared at Y/N)

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