Away from U-Chapter 69

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(They was still staring at each other. Then after a minute and a half Hugo decided to tell first.)

Hugo: We need to talk.

Levi: I just told you I don't want to Hugo

Hugo: This is important, I don't like keeping anything from you

Levi: I don't need you to explain. You already show it

Hugo: Levi I'm telling you I didn't fuck him!

Levi: Then why the fuck was your pants unbutton. And did y'all kiss to because it looked like it!

Hugo: He somehow managed to unbutton my pants. And we never kissed. He was trying to kiss me and I was pushing away.

Levi: *sighs*.... I just can't right now

Hugo: So you giving up on me?

Levi: No I'm not giving up on you! I just can't do this! It just- it's too much for me to handle Hugo

Hugo: Well, I can leave you alone. But I'm not letting you go

Levi: .....

(Some tears was falling down Levi face. And Hugo saw it, but he didn't want to touch him because Levi was not in a good mood. Instead he walked over there and kissed Levi forehead twice.)

Hugo: I love you. Good night

Levi: ......

(Hugo left the house and Levi started to cry and sob again.)

Levi: I love you too.

(Levi grabbed his pretzel and went to bed.)

(The next morning, Levi was still in his room watching Netflix. Hugo and Levi haven't talk since yesterday night. Levi door bell rung and Levi got up to answer it. Nobody was home but him. He opened the door and revealed Kimberly.)

Levi: Hey

Kimberly: Oh come onnn. Hey? You be more excited than that. You need to get out the house more.

Levi: Nah... I rather stay home.

Kimberly: Well, It's Jesse Birthday today.

Levi: I know. I was gonna go pick her up something in a bit. Where she's at now?

Kimberly: Well! Since you asked. Her and King is on a date right now. And while that's going on we was gonna go get her a present.

Levi: We?

Kimberly: Me and Hugo.

Levi: Oh, of course. That's sweet of you guys

Kimberly: you should you know. Come

Levi: Oh baby, nah that's not gon work.

Kimberly: Oh come onnn. Just to get a present for Jesse plus I'll make sure you two are distance from each other.

Levi: Noo, I think imma ship order it. And it'll just come late

Kimberly: No Levi come onnn.

Levi: Yeah but Me + Him in the same room not gonna work.

Kimberly: All y'all have to do is not talk to each other.

Levi: Ooo I'll pray about it

Kimberly: Fine...I'll just tell Hugo what you had in your room

Levi: What I had in my room?

Kimberly: While he was sleeping. You took dick pics from him.

Levi: ...WHAAAA? Ahhhha you is funny. Come on now me? Doing that? Nope

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