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Zhan was with Zhuo Cheng and Zoey inside a chamber that had thick books on the shelves, ceiling to floor window, a chandelier in the center of the chamber, a mahogany table with pens, papers, files, a laptop on the top, and elegant white wallpapers with a clock on the wall. A man was seated on their opponents with a file in his hand which was related to a case that he was going to fight for a client.

"So, they are not your biological children," the advocate said.

"Not literary. They are his late sister's children," Zhuo Cheng replied instead of Zhan.

"It was the court who gave me the right five years ago to have my name associated with them," Zhan responded.

"if that's so then you don't have to worry much about it because the court had given you the right. You already won the case," the advocate said. "The only thing we have to do is to show the court this order that they have given you're the right."

"That's good then," Zhuo Cheng said.

"But you must know that my fee is high," The advocate informed.

Zhuo Cheng's facial expression dropped when he heard the advocate's words. He thought that it would be cheap therefore Zhan bring them to him. it turned out the opposite of what Zhuo Cheng had imagined.

Zhan thought over to deciding, that he couldn't pay Wang Rong's fee for the case but thinking about losing his children made him decide quickly on one decision not letting them go away from him. He felt his children are more important than anything else whether be it his sleep or rest, Zhan will make the wind turn to gold if he had to do it for his children. "I agree."

"Zhan, think before you speak," Zoey said to him in a concerned tone.

"I've decided. I want Mr. Wang to fight for my case," Zhan replied.

"It is settled then," Wang Rong said. "So we will see each other often then." He forwarded his hand for a handshake with Zhan.

Zhan nodded his head and smiled. "We will."

Outside Wang Rong's chamber Zhan, Zoey, and Zhuo Cheng were on their way out to the parking in Zhuo Cheng's car. Zhan and Zoey were off from work since Zhan had an appointment with Wang Rong. He had heard of Wang Rong that he was a good advocate and defender but his fees are high which was the only complaint from many clients that he had worked for, plus he had won 98% of his cases in his career.

"You know that his fee is high, don't you?" Zhuo Cheng asked Zhan.

"Look, I don't care what you think. I care for my Yi Qin and Shi," Zhan replied. "I'll do anything for them, even if I have to go hungry at night."

"Zhan, we also care for them. They mean so much to us," Zoey interjected. "It's just your paycheck... your six months salary will go to this lawyer, adding to this Mr. Li will cut your paycheck if you will be absent for this court session."

"I said I don't care," Zhan yelled at them. "I'll do anything for my children even if I have to sleep with several people I'll do it but I'll never lose my children." Saying those words Zhan walked out of the building angrily. Indeed, parenting is not an easy task like sculpturing; a lot of uncertainties happen but to overcome those uncertainties parent does a lot of unexpected things which sometimes turn into unexpected mistakes in raising their children. Zhan was ready to make a mistake that he believes is worth it for his children.

Zoey and Zhuo Cheng looked at each other after Zhan had screamed at them, Zhan made his outburst which surprised them, they didn't know that Zhan would make an outburst since they knew him as a chill and silent with manners person.

Zhan sat inside Zhuo Cheng's car and facepalmed. He felt sorry for shouting at his friends who had been there for him at the time of needy, he'd lost his cool which made him regret yelling at his friends. When Zhuo Cheng and Zoey were seated in the car in their respective seat Zhan spoke, "I am sorry for yelling at you guys. I lose my cool," Zhan apologized to them.

The Custody; A Single Parent Love That Cannot Be SpokenWhere stories live. Discover now