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"Will you visit us?" Shi inquired. She was dressed up in her best dress because she and her brother were going to stay at Mr. Chao's mansion in the other part of the country.

"I'll try," Zhan can't promise and he can't even assure them that he'll visit them because it will take him at least two days to go and two days to return since he won't be able to effort a flight ticket because of the lawyer fee.

"Do we have to go?" Yi Qin asked in disappointment. He didn't want to leave Zhan alone because he had imagined life without him. he couldn't sleep at night this recently since Zhan had joined another job other than his sales clerk job.

"You have even if you don't like it. I insist you behave with him okay? Don't embarrass me," Zhan instructed them. He knew those children won't behave themselves with Mr. Chao since they didn't like him.

"Does he has a piano?" Shi inquired.

Zhan thought over that question. He had once sawed Chao Sung Joon playing the grand piano in the mansion but can't tell if they still have it or not it's been years since Zhan didn't go to that mansion. "They had."

"Are you done, my grandchildren?" Mr. Chao spoke from the door. He had been staying for those children at the main door while Zhan and the children were in the children's room.

"Let's get going," Zhan kissed their forehead and then picked up their single luggage. They were going to stay with Mr. Chao for a week. He walked them out of the door. A man took the luggage from his hand. "They are allergic to mushrooms and eggplant," Zhan informed Mr. Chao sternly.

"Mental note was taken," Mr. Chao spoke and walked towards the car. Before he entered the car. He turned around, "I'll send them here myself with my man."

Zhan nodded his head. He crouched at those children's height. "Take care of each other okay? And try to minimize your study and give time to Mr. Chao. If he asks any question answer him with sincerity, okay?"

"Can't you come with us?" Shi suggested.

Zhan shook his head. "I am sorry." He couldn't understand how would he be feeling when he will hit with a stone on his head that his children were gone for a week in a strange place; Shi won't be sleeping unless she didn't get her good night kiss, and Yi Qin won't be sleeping unless he knows that his sister would sleep peacefully. "Go get in that car."

Zhan was controlling his tears to shed. He didn't want to show that he was weak in front of those children.

"Bye, daddy," Shi kissed Zhan on the cheek and waved her hand.

"I don't want to go," Yi Qin whined.

"You will have to," Zhan responded.

Reluctantly Yi Qin kissed Zhan on his cheek and headed into the car beside Shi. He couldn't cry because he had seen that his father never cry, he was admiring his father for his hard work and dedication to them. Yi Qin had dreamed to eradicate all those struggles that Zhan was doing with his life. He felt bad for their father for sacrificing so many things in his life. Once Zhan wanted to buy a new phone but Yi Qin and Shi came to know from Zhuo Cheng that Mass Validation and other books on calculus and Algebra were out from the new author with a revised edition. Zhan fulfilled their wish and bought those books for them. he repaired his old phone and get his life with it.

The school was quiet since Yi Qin and Shi were not coming to classes, and those children were not feeling engaged in the classroom since they were missing school. Xuan Lu and Zhuoxuan were distracted and felt boredom since they were not pestered by those kids, they were getting used to those children.

Xuan Lu was trying her best to entertain the class by making those children play games. She was showing them pictures of human facial expressions while Zhuoxuan in her classroom was teaching those children to sing nursery rhymes. Both were trying their best to engage their classroom in the absence of those smart kids.

The Custody; A Single Parent Love That Cannot Be SpokenWhere stories live. Discover now