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Zhan bit his lower lips while he was seated beside Wang Rong in the courtroom. He was wondering about the document that his sister signed which was going to represent in court by Chao Sung Ho.

Wang Rong noticed Zhan's thoughtful face, his eyes blinked several times and wandered around. Huoxuan pushed two papers on his front which snapped him back to reality.

Zhan looked at those papers he thought those were the copies of the papers that his sister signed but it turned out something else- two signed cheque leaves with six zeros on the front of one on both cheques paper. He noticed two familiar names and signatures on both those papers; Wang Yibo and Lay Zhang.

"They want to pay my fee," Wang Rong reported. "One came yesterday, and the other came this morning. They wanted to keep it secret from you. Since you are my client and your consultant is my priority than their secret."

Zhan looked at those leaves with a thoughtful face then said, "Please return this to them, this is not their fight. It's mine for my children."

"I knew you would dare not let anyone else help you in this critical situation of yours. I'll send them back this cheque by tomorrow."

"Good." Zhan nodded. He returned his gaze to the front.

Lui Haikuan entered and came in with his client with a toothy grin on his face. He leaned on Zhan and Huoxuan's table. "Brace yourself, Xiao Zhan, you're never gonna win this case," he had pride and overconfidence that he would make his client win the case with hook and nook.

"This case is still on and the judge hasn't issued his statement yet." Wang Rong reminded him of reality.

"I know." Haikuan grinned again, "I feel pity on you." then he returned to his place.

The judge arrived, and everyone stood to greet him in respect. When the judge was seated. He ordered everyone to sit then he gave the first statement of account of the law to proceed.

Haikuan was the first to proceed since he was the prosecutor. He stood and said, " Your honor, this past few weeks my client Mr. Chao went into some documents that were in his son's room and this had had to happen with him that his daughter-in-law and his son made a signed document and a Will that her children will be raised by the Chao." Haikuan took out the original deed and Will of agreement. "Here is the document Your Honor and Xiao Yuxi signed it herself. We had to examine it with an expert if it is her real signature and it turned out her signature."

Zhan was shocked at the uninformed document that was signed by his sister, he felt a bit betrayed and shattered within, his sister didn't inform him about the biggest decision of her life.

"Did you know about that?" Huoxuan asked Zhan calmly.

Zhan didn't respond. He sat on his seat and looked at the document that was submitted to the judge.

Wang Rong understood Zhan's silence and that he didn't know about the document. "I object Your Honor. Lui Haikuan didn't my client that he would submit a Will which had been by his late sister."

"Mr. Lui," the judge looked at Lui Haikuan with a warning glare. "This is unacceptable in this court you know that...I can issue a cancellation of your license for this betrayal you know the rule better than your client." The judge threatened him.

"I apologize for my mistake Your Honor," Haikuan apologized.

"I would like that signature that signature and the document to be reexamined by an expert Your honor before you decide the verdict." Wang Rong objected.

"Granted." The judge said while gazing at Zhan."

"I would like to call Xiao Zhan on the trail box, Your Honor," Haikuan said.

The Custody; A Single Parent Love That Cannot Be SpokenWhere stories live. Discover now