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"Cheng, I may be late today so I want you to take care of the twin till I return," Zhan spoke on the phone to Zhuo Cheng.

"I've been doing this for the last five years, you don't have to remind me about them, I know what to do in your absence," Zhuo Cheng answered on the other end of the phone. "By the way, why will you be late?"

"I have got an appointment in two places so," Zhan answered sincerely. He doesn't need to lie to his elder brother, also he told the manager, Mr. Li, that he would be off early, the manager didn't want him to go early however seeing Zhan's condition in the recent he agreed to let Zhan go.

"Call me if you need a lift while coming back home," Zhuo Cheng suggested.

"Sure, I'll, thank you," Zhan said and ended the call. He looked at Wu Jun and Zoey who were seated beside him during their lunch break.

"Please, don't accept that striper job," Wu Jun said in a concerned tone. "I can't be imagining you striping in front of those lustful whores in the club and bar."

"I 'haven't gotten the job yet," Zhan replied.

"You shouldn't have told him about that striper job you fool," Zoey punched Wu Jun on his bicep.

"Ough!" Wu Jun grunted, "I know I should have told him."

Zhan didn't talk while Zoey and Wu Jun were trying to initiate him to talk on another topic, he was wondering how would his life be if Yi Qin and Shi were not showing up in the world, would he be in Paris doing his study or end up somewhere else. Little did he know that it was no use to wonder about 'what if' because that was never going to happen.

Hours later at 6: 30 pm Zhan left Gallant for his first appointment at seven at the cinema theater. It took him fifteen minutes to reach that theater by walk, he didn't spend a single bill or coin because they were worth it for his children.

"Which ticket?" The man at the counter desk asked him.

"Sorry," Zhan scoffed slightly, "Hi! My name is Xiao Zhan and I have an appointment with Mr. Ming."

"Mr. Ming is in his office, you can directly meet him there," the man informed, "Go left straight then right there will you find his office," the man instructed.


"Welcome, beautiful," the man said. His last word was inaudible for Zhan to hear.

Zhan walked to the way where the man had instructed him. At the last corner in a secluded area was the manager's office. Zhan knocked at the door after he had heard the light voice of 'come in' from inside. He opened the door and welcomed himself inside.

"Yes!" the man spoke as he saw the well-known face who had a scandal with Wang Yibo.

"Good evening, Mr. Ming. My name is Xiao Zhan and I have an appointment with you."

"Oh right!" the man said with a slight scoff. He didn't know that Xiao Zhan was the one who had an appointment with him. He thought of some other in the same name. "Yesterday, on the phone someone said that you need a job. I didn't know that it was you, I have a vacancy by the way and I am ready to hire you if you don't have a problem with an evening tonight shift what do you say?"

"Won't you check my document and resume?" Zhan inquired.

"We can do that later for formalities," the man said.

Zhan nodded his head, "Can I let you know my answer by tomorrow?"

"The sooner, the best," the man said.

Zhan walked out of the cinema theater and heated to the next appointment area which was a few steps away from the cinema theater. The name of the club was Wolves, Wu Jun had informed him, that the owner of the club is a rich man he had several hotels, clubs, and shopping complexes in the country.

The Custody; A Single Parent Love That Cannot Be SpokenWhere stories live. Discover now