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Zoey and Zhuo Cheng were staying inside Zhan's house babysitting the twin, as they were told to do. Zhan was out shopping grocery. The love bird was not in action babysitting the two, they were seated on the couch; Zoey was on Zhuo Cheng's lap while those children were doing their work studying.

Yi Qin was reading biology on his laptop, he was curious to know about reproduction, the bird of the child. He was not sure how he was related to Zhan because Zhan was a single parent, he had no wife or mistress in his house. "Uncle Cheng, were you there when we were born?"

Zoey and Zhuo Cheng's happy moment was snapped by the little smart cookie's question. They were about to kiss if Yi Qin didn't ask them a question. Zhuo Cheng smiled at Zoey and turned to Yi Qin, "I...I was not there." He was a bit embarrassed.

Zoey looked at Yi Qin, "Why is that question?"

"The witch at Chao Sung Ho's house told us that daddy wasn't happy when we were born because we were the reason for his sister and father's death, is it true?" Yi Qin reported.

"Also she told us that we are a burden for daddy to bear with, also she told us that daddy give up his dream job because of us," Shi told them nonchalantly like it was not a big deal.

Zoey and Zhuo Cheng looked at each other's faces after they heard the news, it was a serious topic to discuss, and questions were arising in the back of their head. Does Zhan know? Who was that witch? Why was she saying that and how did she know?

"Act-" Zoey shook her head when Zhuo Cheng was glancing, he was trying to explain the reason if Zoey didn't shake her head, otherwise. "Why?" he murmured.

"Let Zhan explain the first thing, the second thing you better explain because he is very close to you."

"You think we are close!" Zhuo Cheng exclaimed.

"He shares everything with you."

"He doesn't if I don't ask," Zhuo Cheng said.

"Well you know why he give up his dream," Zoey smiled.

"Yeah, I do," Zhuo Cheng sighed. "Okay, Zhan chose with his life, he didn't sacrifice anything for you. he choose you for the best because he cared about you guys. He loves you more than Chuo Sung Ho, you don't know that because Zhan is not a verbal person, he expresses love through action, remember he made you Turkish delight after he screamed at you that night!"

Shi lifted her head and nodded. "Action speaks louder than words."

"So, true," Zoey agreed with a slight smile. She didn't know that Zhan was that person. She thought he was expressive with words but it turn out the opposite.

"I am home," Zhan voiced when he entered the house. "What on earth is that sitting position before my innocent children's eyes?" he saw Zoey seated on Zhuo Cheng's lap.

"Get a room, Mr. Wang," Junxiang commented.

Zoey got off Zhuo Cheng's lap, she was embarrassed by her action, she didn't know that they would be caught like that by her friend and those boys. On the other hand, Zhuo Cheng scratched the back of his neck.

"What are these bots doing here?" Zhuo Cheng asked diverting everyone's attention from them.

"We are helping Mr. Xiao with his shopping," Pie Xin answered.

"What were you guys doing before those innocent children?" Fan Xing asked.

"Daddy," Yi Qin looked at Zhanin in the kitchen taking out those groceries, "How happy were you when we were born?"

"Is it true that you were disappointed?" Shi inquired.

Zhan stopped his work and walked into the living room, he looked at Zhuo Cheng for a little help.

The Custody; A Single Parent Love That Cannot Be SpokenWhere stories live. Discover now