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"Stay here okay," Yibo instructed Zhan outside the labor room. "Don't go anywhere unless I returned from this room." He was reluctant to leave Zhan outside. If he had the power then he would allow Zhan to get in and watch Cheng Xiao giving birth.

"I'll stay here," Zhan said with a faint smile.

"Promise me," Yibo said.

"How old are you?" Zhan complained.

"8" Yibo replied seriously. He wasn't kidding at all. "I am serious."

"Fine," Zhan said, "I won't go anywhere, but what if I had to pee, and be hungry."

"Are you hungry?" Yibo asked with a worried face. "I am so sorry. I didn't let you have anything in the restaurant." He put his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet.

"What are you doing?" Zhan inquired as he saw him taking out his wallet.


"I don't want your money," Zhan whined.

"I am giving you my debit card, you can use it in the cafeteria, in case you are hungry," Yibo instructed as he handed the debit card to Zhan's hand.

"Yibo," Zhan whined again, "I have my wallet."

"Dinner was on me."

"Still, I can't take this," Zhan looked at the debit card.

"I have to get in, please don't go anywhere out of this hospital." Yibo pleaded as he hugged Zhan. He had the wish to kiss the man. he was suppressing his wild desire. He withdrew from the hug and got inside the room, that was the only way he could ignore Zhan's whine and complaint.

Zhan leaned against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed deeply and looked down at the card in his hand. He knew that he won't use that card to buy anything he wish to have because it was not his money. He can also afford anything he desires, he was not a pauper. He was rich by heart.

"Mr. Xiao," a little girl's sweet voice called his name.

Zhan shifted his gaze from the card to the little girl that he had met months ago in the store. He smiled at the girl. "Hi!"

"This is for you," the girl forwarded the bag of brownies.

Zhan looked at the bag and took it. He didn't want to upset the girl by rejecting her bag of brownies. "Thank you."

"Wang Tiang," the girl said her name.

"Wang Tiang," Zhan smiled. "Sweet name."

"Thank you," the girl smiled shyly. She looked at her nanny. "Aunt Lisa, you can sit."

The nany smiled.

Zhan gazed up at the woman who was called by the girl. She was a young girl with a decent look on her face, she was simple in her clothing. He then gaze down at the girl, he was impressed by her gentle behavior of the girl. Yibo and Cheng Xiao raised the girl beautifully with morals. Guilt was building up in his heart for breaking the family, he didn't think about the life of the little girl and the coming baby in Cheng Xiao's womb. What would happen if Zhan stuck out forever from Yibo's life? Maybe their family won't break.

"Where are your children?" the girl asked. He took Zhan's hand and led him to the chairs in the waiting room where the nany was standing.

"They are in the amusement park," Zhan responded.

"Mum said that you and daddy were on a date," the girl reported. "What's that mean?"

Zhan's heart was broken by the word of the girl, she was innocent to know a such thing and it would be hard for her to know the truth. And adding to the problem her parent were also breaking their family apart which was not good for the little girl especially the coming child in the family, he or she will need to see his or her parents. Zhan thought over the act that Yibo and Cheng Xiao were trying to do with their family. It was breaking Zhan's heart that the parents were involved in breaking their family apart.

The Custody; A Single Parent Love That Cannot Be SpokenWhere stories live. Discover now