#067-#069: The Chips Line (Y-#001-#003)

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One of the three types of Objectmon handed to trainers who are just starting out. This line is known for the large growtato fries that grow out of their head.

 This line is known for the large growtato fries that grow out of their head

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#067 (#001)-Chips

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#067 (#001)-Chips

Name: Chips
Classification: The Small Packet Objectmon
Height: 20cm
Weight: 4kg
Gender ratio: Male - 60% Female-40%
Type: Grass
Ability: Forrage - Grass moves power up when HP is low.
A small Objectmon with thin skin, Chips are often held in captivity due to the fragility of the fries upon their heads. These fries are made up of plants called growtatoes. These roots are inedible to humans, but several other Objectmon like to eat them, therefore, trainers must keep an eye on this Objectmon when keeping it outdoors or around other Objectmon.

#068 (#002)-Fries

Name: Fries
Classification: The Cardboard Objectmon
Height: 1m
Weight: 16kg
Gender ratio: Male - 60% Female-40%
Type: Grass
Ability: Forrage - Grass moves power up when HP is low.
As they evolve, their skin becomes much more colourful, often sporting a red and yellow palette. They tend to have a serious and protective personality, keeping their six fries safe from harm. Anyone who dares to try and take one will be at the risk of being scratched by their claws, which are lined with a corrosive chemical found within growtatoes.


Name: Curls
Classification: The Neurotoxin Objectmon
Height: 1.4m
Weight: 40kg
Gender ratio: Male - 60% Female-40%
Type: Grass/Poison
Ability: Forrage - Grass moves power up when HP is low.
Poisonous Tips - Contact with opponent has a chance of poisoning them.

Each fry inside its head contains a unique poison. The yellow fry contains a chemical that can paralyse limbs, the blue fry contains traces of liquid nitrogen, the red fry causes chemical burns, the green one causes nausea and the purple one contains a multitude of harmful bacteria. The pink fry contains an anaesthetic, which makes Curls a popular companion for doctors and surgeons. Due to this feature, Curls are often found in hospitals.

Here it is! The first starter of the Yoyle Region!
What do you think of this line? Who do you think will be the next starter?

The Objectmon Dossier- Goiky and Yoyle Region - BFDIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin