#087-#089: The Talki Line (Y-#021-#023)

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The Talki Line is known for their eccentric, energetic personality, and sought after for their ability to speak and translate almost any language.

The Talki Line is known for their eccentric, energetic personality, and sought after for their ability to speak and translate almost any language

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Name: Talki
Classification: The Extroverted Objectmon
Height: 25cm
Weight: 4kg
Gender ratio: Male -55% Female-45%
Type: Electric
Ability: Hyped - This Objectmon cannot fall asleep in battle.
This small Objectmon enjoys constantly chattering as well as interactuing with others. It is necessary for Objectmon to always be engaged, lest it become depressed.


Name: Yellow-Face
Classification: The Advertising Objectmon
Height: 1.2m
Weight: 20kg
Gender ratio: Male -55% Female-45%
Type: Electric
Ability: Hyped - This Objectmon cannot fall asleep in battle.
This Objectmon has a affinity for material possesions, often engagaing in trades for items with other members of its species. They despise it when anyone tries to oppose their offers, and will even go far as to attack those who do.


Name: Chattabaux
Classification: The Flashy Objectmon
Height: 1.4m
Weight: 35kg
Gender ratio: Male -55% Female-45%
Type: Electric
Ability: Hyped - This Objectmon cannot fall asleep in battle.
This Objectmon dons itself with brightly coloured accessories in order to attract the attention of potential customers. They are capable of materialising concepts and signs like arrows and words. It is often used by humans to help organise advertisement campgains, as it is able to easily persuade others to do as it wishes.

So, what do you think of ONE 18?



To be honest, I don't feel as devastated as other people because of how open-ended the ending is.
On one hand, all the contestants are stranded within the plane and Liam is stuck in Airy's place. Charlotte will most likely die and permanently stay dead if she gets lost (Absorbed? Taken?) in the Waiting Room. However, if Charlotte remains in the Waiting room, like Julien, she still has a chance of getting back if Liam learns how the computer works (I think he likely will since he has a greater motivation to learn immediately than Airy, who took several years to get the hang of it). That's why I really like the ending of ONE, as the situation is left in a way where how we think it will turn out is left up to the viewer. Will Liam eventually get everyone home, or will he become just like Airy and repeat the cycle? What will eventually happen to Airy as well? Will he be taken by the Waiting Room, will he be stuck eternally attempting to get back to Earth via radio? The good thing about the ending is that we truly don't know. I find it satisfying that the ending is bittersweet and not overly optimistic, or a super grim ending that leaves the protagonists with no hope of getting home.

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