#102 - #104: The Belgi Line (Y-#036-#038)

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This sugary line of Objectmon are born in fertile fields filled with wheat and sugar. They are fairly passive and are subject to be placed in fairytales due to their friendly nature.

 They are fairly passive and are subject to be placed in fairytales due to their friendly nature

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Name: Belgi
Classification: The Flat Dough Objectmon
Height: 60cm
Weight: 4kg
Gender ratio: Male -50% Female-50%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Sweet Scent- Contact with an opponent may harshly lower evasion and attack.
This small Objectmon is incredibly sweet, both in personality and appearance. They like to hang out in pairs but can be susceptable to manipulation due to their trusting nature. They are treated as role models to young children in the Yoyle Region, being made into protagonists of various stories and tales.


Name: Waffle
Classification: The Egg Waffle Objectmon
Height: 130cm
Weight: 16kg
Gender ratio: Male -50% Female-50%
Type: Fairy
Ability: Sweet Scent- Contact with an opponent may harshly lower evasion and attack.
Waffles are wanderers, natural nomads who like to roam around the world in order to find the perfect home. They are a benefit to the diversity of the region because they like to bring along two or three travelling companions.


Name: Stuffrup
Classification: The Toppings Objectmon
Height: 135cm
Weight: 22kg
Gender ratio: Male -50% Female-50%
Type: Fairy/Grass
Ability: Sweet Scent- Contact with an opponent may harshly lower evasion and attack.
It somehow gains the ability to photosynthesise and use glucose to create its toppings. Research is being done to see how this is possible, due to the fact a Stuffrup can make materials like chocolate, butter and syrup, despite items to make these materials like cacao being a rarity in the region . A theory is that the type of toppings they have are based on the food they eat, and they are excellent foragers.

Sorry for the long wait again! I was struggling to motivate myself to finish this chapter due to Waffle having very little material to base them on. Plus, life has been quite busy at the moment!

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