The Birthday

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The three circles of fire seemed to burn brighter than ever. The heat on his skin, the smell of the dead werewolf, the fearfulness that showed in Jenna’s eyes. The look of horror on his girlfriend's face seeing him on the ground minutes from death because the wood was inching its way to his heart. The scream he made when Klaus plugged his fangs-

Stefan's eyes snapped open making eye contact with the hotel's clock, 2:57am. Groaning quietly, he pushed himself up into a seating position, not wishing to wake up his bed partner. 

Yet he still seemed to disturb the sleeping figure next to him. "Darling?" Theta mumbled. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He whispered back. "Go back to sleep."

She didn't even need her powers to spot the lie, so Theta turned her body and propped herself up on her elbows. "Are you still having night terrors? About Elena?" The last part wasn't said out loud, but Stefan knew it's what she meant.

"It doesn't matter." He laid back down, turning to face her. "I'm with you now."

"After I showed you our time in the 20's and after my uncle used his power to basically force you to go on this trip." The angel reminded him after he tried to dismiss it. "It's okay to mourn Darling, Elena Gilbert was your girlfriend."

The normal vampire flinched a little at the term "was". While it did hold true, Stefan knew she was still alive, but he knew by the time he saw Elena again she would be twenty-eight. And since she didn't want to become a vampire, Stefan always had a small voice in his head reminding him of how little time they would've had.

"And I have." Pushing the thought out of his head, he gently ran his finger down her nose. "Plus, it's not so bad." 

Theta's nose twitched at the feeling. "You are being forced to be the ripper, how is that 'not so bad'?" She quoted his words.

Stefan's lips pulled into a tiny smile. "I get to be with you."

"Oh! I, uh-." For one of the first times in her life, Theta was speechless. Blood ran to her cheeks, making her look like a tomato. "I guess that is an adequate reason."

Stefan snorted at the use of formal language. "I'm glad you think so, your majesty."

She smiled then her face turned serious. "Are you sure you're alright?"

The vampire just nodded his head and scooted closer to Theta. She followed his example but took it one step closer and laid her wing over him while the other hung off the bed. Both falling back asleep in the embrace of one another.


Somewhere in Tennessee, a blonde girl in a pink blouse walks out into her front yard in the pitch black calling out to her dog. "Rudy. Rudy! Come on. It's too hot to make me come looking for you." The girl turns around and jumps in fright at Klaus and Theta.

"I am so sorry." Theta tried not to cringe at her uncle's American accent. "We didn't mean to scare you."

The blonde took a step back. "Can I help you?"

Klaus gives her an explanation. "Yeah, our, uh, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back. My niece and I feel like we've been walking forever. Yours is the first house we'd come to, so I was just hoping we could use your phone."

"Don't you have a cell phone?" Her eyes squinted at the two.

Klaus pulls out his phone, showing a black screen. "Heh. Yeah. Battery died. Look, I promise we're not a serial killer. I just want to use your phone." Theta held back a snort at the "serial killer" part.

"Sure." The blonde says, turning around to head back into the house.

"So...can we come in?" Klaus asked before she walked away.

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