Blown Off

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Jeremy and Theta were side by side. Exchanging words and smiles as they walked into the front yard of the school.

"So, how do you know Luka?" Jeremy questioned the burnette beside him.

"Our dad's work together." Theta shrugged. "So, where one goes the other follows."

A small chuckle escaped the two teenagers. 

"-channeled another witch before?" 

Theta's vampire hearing picked up Luka's voice. Hearing him telling Bennett the witch what channeling is. Theta groaned. Jeremy gave her a questioning look. "What's up?"

She pointed towards the two witches, just as the wind was picking up. "Luka decided it was a good idea for Bennett to channel his magic."

The look of confusion and alarm on the human boy's face made Theta laugh. 

"Wait, you know about the supernatural?" Jermey whispered.

Theta shook her head. "Of course I do. Who do you think teaches him?"

"You're a witch?"

Another laugh slips from her lips. "Not every person who does magic is a witch, Jeremy." Theta winked. 

She was about to say something else when her phone dings. She looked at it and her face paled. "I am so, sorry Jeremy. I need to go." Theta looked back up at him. "I'll text you later, okay?"

Jeremy just shook his head. "No, it's fine. Talk to you later."

She whispered a thank you, and quickly left at human speed to her car.  A white 1957 Pontiac Bonneville, before speeding out of the student parking lot to meet up with her father.


At Dr. Martin's house, Theta comes rushing through the door. Both Jonas and Elijah look at her. One held amusement, the other annoyance.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got held up." She said as she sat next to her father.

"It's quite alright. We were just getting started." Elijah told his daughter before turning his attention back to Jonas. "So, how exactly does this spell work?"

Luka's father pulls out a silver knife. And tells the suited vampire that he needs his hand. So, Elijah extends his hand to Jonas. The youngest at the table then slices the palm. 

"Place it here." Jonas gestures to the picture of Elena Gilbert. "Now take my hand, both of you."

The two Mikaelson's take Jonas's hand as he begins chanting. They close their eyes and when they open them again, the duo see Elena.

However, she also she's them in the reflection of the window pain. A frightened gasp escapes Elena's lips before turning around. But, she sees no-one.

Elijah and Theta, once again open their eyes. Realizing they are both back at the Martin house. 

"Did you see her?" Questioned the warlock.

"We know exactly where she is." He gets up and beckons Theta to follow. As they exit the house, Elijah turns to Theta. "I need you to go home. I'll come collect you later."

Theta wants to argue. But, she knows better when her father is like this. So, with a sigh. Theta nods her head with a grimace. "Okay, I'll see you at home. Be careful."

A small smile formed on the Original Vampire's face. He kisses her forehead. "I always am." Before vanishing.

Theta blew out a breath before getting into her car once more. Finally able to drive home.

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