The Feared Are Broken

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Instead of heading back to the apartment to blow off some steam, Theta took a detour. Going into the restaurant hotspot for teenagers. Well, for people that looked her age that is. 

“Five shots of tequila.” Theta told the bartender.

He just looked at her like he just insulted his favorite T.V. show. “Excuses me? You’re like, 12. Order something kid friendly alright?”

Theta already had a shitty day and this was making it a whole lot worse. “Look here you mindless ape.” She grabbed his collar, bringing him close. “I had an absolute miserable day and it’s only 11:30. I want my tequila.” Finally using comp to get her way. “Now, be a dear and fetch me the best bottle you have. I want it all.”

The man just nodded his head rapidly finding the most expensive bottle from the back. 

While she waited she scanned the room, watching the humans go about their day. But, her eyes stopped on one. A family of four. A mother, father, daughter, and son. They were all laughing happily, enjoying family time. Theta’s heart ached for a moment. Jealous of the family in front of her.

She just wanted to go home. But, where was home? Hell? New Orleans? Chicago? Mystic Falls? A hundred and twenty-seven years of life and she still didn’t know the answer to the question. Her eyes swelled up from the sudden realization. She had no home. 

One side of her family is supposedly dead, the other busy with ruling. One was spiraling into vengeance, the other trying to fix a mistake from a thousand years ago. A Mikaelson. That’s who she was. The most feared name in existence, but broken beyond compare. 

Always and forever. 

She took a swig from the now empty, fourth bottle of tequila.  

What a joke.

Slamming the bottle down, swaying slightly. Throwing three Benjamin Franklin onto the counter, walking out wiping at her face. Not wishing for the simpletons to watch her cry her eyes out. 

Theta knowing she was in no state to drive, decided to teleport home. Was that more dangerous? Probably, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to sleep off the alcohol before her “charming” Father got home.

However, she didn’t get her wish. In the living room, five feet from where she landed, was Elijah Mikaelson, not looking too happy.

“You reek of alcohol.” Was all he said.

A choked scoffed echoed around the room. “Thank you Father. Ten out of ten for the observation.”

Theta tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm causing her to stumble. “We are not done, young lady.” Elijah's dad's voice came out in full force. “We need to discuss your actions.”

She ripped her arm from his grasp, turning around to stare at her father. “No, we don’t. In case you haven’t noticed. I’m over twenty-one. I’m allowed to drink, Father.” She spat out the last word. “Now instead of pretending you actually care about me, why don’t you go back to your duties.” She put duties in air quotes.

“We’re back to this?” Elijah ran his hands over his face.

“Back to this?” Theta was sober. “Back to this? We haven’t left! It will always come back to this, you care more about your thirst for revenge then your own family!” Everything that was brewing for decades came bubbling to the surface. “You left us, all of us! Henrik and I had to hold Mother as she cried herself to sleep! Henrik had to jump start his training for the throne, because you weren't there! I had to become the General to the army that you were supposed to lead! So, stop pretending that you care, you obviously don't!”

Elijah came back full force. “Do not tell me about the hardships you faced when I left, I did everything for this family!”

“Like, Kingdome you did! You abandoned everyone!” 

Spit was flying everywhere, from the heavy words.

“Enough! I will not listen to you whine any longer. I am your Father, you will listen to the words I speak!”

“You are no Father to me!”


Elijah and Theta Mikaelson said nothing. Both hurt, both not believing what was said. The daughter’s cheeks were already stained red. The father’s eyes glossed over. 

The bond between family was cracked and stained with blood after Elijah left all that time ago. Now, it was completely shattered.  

Mikaelson. The most feared name in existence, but broken beyond compare.

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