The Dinner Party

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Theta Mikaelson was pulling clothes from her closet and stuffing them in a suitcase, not caring about them getting wrinkles. The littlest Mikaelson just wanted out of the apartment. Too heartbroken to even consider staying under Elijah’s roof. She was almost too busy wailing in her own self-pity, when she heard her phone go off. With an over the top sigh, she answered. 

“Theta Morningstar. What do you need?”

“Theta, it’s Luka. I need your help.”

A scowl appeared on her face. “I must warn you now, witch. I am not in the best mood to deal with my father’s business. Make it quick.”

“I think Bonnie roofed me last night. I don’t remember anything.”

The angel ran a hand over her face. All she wanted was to be done with the doppelganger drama. And since it involved the Bennett witch, it was a hundred percent guarantee that it had to do with the girl. “Why should I help you? Elijah was the one who employed you?”

“Please. I’m begging you.”

“Fine.” She spat out. “But after this, no more. You deal with my father from now on.”

“Thank you. Meet me at the Grill.”

Luka hung up before Theta could even get in another word. “There goes my day off.” Speeding away towards the Grill.


When Theta walked into the Grill, she saw Luka already trying to interrogate Bonnie. She walked over, grabbing Luka by his hoodie, pulling him back. “Restrain yourself. You’ll get nowhere with this. Go home, I’ll deal with it.” Glaring hard at each other, Luka says one thing before finally leaving.

“Yeah, thanks for the help.” Nocking shoulders with her.

All three watch him walk away, as the oldest muttered. “I despise witches.” She then turned back to the duo. “I heard you needed help with a spell? Could I be of assistance?”

Bonnie scoffed. “Like I need help from you. You’d probably screw us over.”

“Bonnie-” Jermey was about to scold the witch, before the vampire interrupted.

“Ms. Bennett. I am currently on the outs with my father. We got into a little squabble.” She pulled a chair over and sat down. “So, at the moment, I currently do not care about, ‘screwing you over’, besides.” Her head gestured over to the human. “He trusts me.”

Safe to say, the Bennett witch was shocked. “You do?”

Jermey just looked guilty.

“Look.” Bonnie tried to get back on track. “Jermey might trust you, but I don’t.” She grabbed her back, standing up. “I don’t need or want your help.” Leaving to two alone at the Grill.

“She’s a bundle of laughs, isn’t she.” The question came out like a statement.

Jermey looked over to Theta with a slight hint of disapproval. “She’s under a lot of stress. We all are.”

Theta rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know. Doppelganger, curse, bloodshed, sacrifice. It’s all about your sister isn't it?”

“What’s up with you?”

“Nothing.” She placed her head on the table. “At least, nothing that can’t be helped.”

The human looked at her, trying to decipher her obvious bad mood. Before it clicked. “What did you mean you’re on the outs with your dad? Did something happen?”

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