Daddy Daughter Bonding Time

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Elijah and Theta Mikaelson walked down the sidewalk with their arms linked. To any other person it would look like a normal family outing, but the two Mikaelson had never been normal. 

They both came to a stop in front of a man strumming his guitar with nothing but passion, hoping to get a few bucks with his talent. Elijah unhooked his arm from his daughter's and pulled a hundred dollar bill from his wallet placing it in the guitar case. 

Before he stood up, Elijah grabbed a handful of coins that littered the guitar case. When he stood straight up, Elijah handed them to Theta. 

Theta graceful plucked one from the pile, expecting it inches from her face. Even though she has lived half of her life on the surface of Earth, small things like this still fascinated her. 

"- piss off an Original? And keep from walking in the sun?" 

That broke through Theta's concentration. She then looked at her dad, asking a question with nothing but her eyes.

"You wanna walk in the sun? I can help with that?" 

When the duo locked eyes, Elijah nodded his head giving her the okay. A craze look passed through the hundred-something-year old hybrid. Without a second thought, she tossed the coins at the cafe having the window shatter. 

Screams echoed the street from Vampire and Humans alike. However, before the two could be spotted by Damon Salvatore, they vanished.

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