Stake In The Heart

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Theta Mikaelson walked into the empty house filled with dirt, kicking the litter around before stopping to see a man in a suit hanging from the wall with a stake in his heart. With a sigh she went over pulling the stake out, making the man fall to the ground.

She waited a few moments before finally hearing the person gasping for breath. She then decided to speak. "You do realize you just got bested by a couple of baby vamps?"

A painful chuckle reached her ears before the man replied. "Yes, Theta. I am well aware."

She shrugged with a smirk. "Just making sure." She then pushed her arm out to help lift her father, Elijah Mikealson, from the floor before throwing her arms around him. Elijah wasted no time in returning the affection. They stayed there for a few moments before pulling away. Elijah, however, still kept hold of his daughter's arms.

"What are you doing on Earth, I thought you and Henrik were helping your mother?" The question slipped through his lips.

"I wanted to visit." Came Theta's reply. "I missed you." 

A small smile formed on the father's face. Elijah bent forward to kiss Theta on the forehead. "And I you, my little princess. Now, come. We have a lot to discuss."

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