Start A New

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Theta Mikealson pulled into the school. She blew out a breath, knowing she'll have to talk to Jeremy about what happened and what her family's business is with his sister.

When she was walking the halls, she used her superior hearing to find the youngest Gilbert. After a few moments she found him in the back courtyard talking to a few people she recognized from classes. With a sigh, Theta walked over and tapped on his shoulder. When Jeremy turned, he just rolled his eyes before turning back to his conversation.

Theta, once again tapped on his shoulder. "Can we talk? I figured you have questions."

He looked at her for a few moments, going through the motions in his head before agreeing. Jeremy then led her around the corner for more privacy. He then gestured for her to explain.

"I apologize for my involvement with your sister. It was nothing personal. I'm just trying to help my father accomplish his goals."

The human gave the hybrid a look of realization. "You were going to use me to get close to Elena?"

"That was the plan, yes." Theta didn't look at him in the eyes.

Jeremy scoffed. "Then I'm going to take it personal, Theta."

"Jeremy, please. I was just following my father's instructions." The angel pleaded. "You have no idea how important this is to him. To our family."

"Your family?" The last part of the confession caught the sixteen year old's attention.

Theta winced. She didn't mean to spill that particular information. "It doesn't concern you." She shook her head. "Look, in the short amount of time we've talked, I've found myself," she tried to find the right words "caring about you." Theta sighed. "I was hoping we could start a new?"

Jeremy tried to find any sign of deceit in the magical circture and found none. Even though he knew Theta probably had years to learn how to lie, he still couldn't find a reason to not believe her. "Fine. But, it's not going to be easy."

A gentle smile graced Theta's face. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

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