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When Maxi was younger his mother would tell him bedtime stories of witches that roamed the land telling fortunes and helping the less fortunate with their powerful hexes. Those stories helped shield the young boy as his home country of sokovia was at war around him.

It was a normal night in the Maximoff household when it happened. His father had just come home from work and his mother was in the kitchen making dinner, after dinner his father had suggested they watch some DVDs of old American sitcoms his father sold so they could learn English in hopes of immigrating to America when the first shell hit his building.

Once the smoke cleared Maxi looked around the area and he could see the destruction around him as he heard the sounds of war for what felt like the first time.

Before he could even stand the second shell landed three feet away from his face. In fear, he crawled under some rubble from the floor above in a naive attempt at safety.

So he sat there staring right at the shell as it ticked off spelling his doom, as he sat there under the rubble he could hear people outside yelling 'Maybe they're here to help he thought.

'Or maybe it is the ones who did this' said another part of his mind as the sounds of jets flew overhead. Every effort to save him, every shift in the bricks he thought 'this will set it off. He waited to die for two days.


Eventually, he was rescued and sent to an orphanage where he sat and watched as the other children gained new families while he was rejected over and over till the age of fourteen when he decided to run away and live on the streets of sokovia.

One day while laying on a bench trying to stay warm in the cold of the night he heard of a program created to engineer the next step in human evolution. When he heard that his mind was filled with thoughts of revenge, a chance to make things right.

So he seized the opportunity and volunteered, while in the program he was subjected to multiple experiments for years. During his time in the program, Maxi got to know the other people that were in the program and became friends with them but as time passed he realized he was losing friends one by one until he was the only survivor. Until one day a fourteen-year-old Maxi was brought into a room with a strange yellow stone floating in the center.

Nervously Maxi slowly walked toward the stone as it suddenly moved towards him. As Maxi reached toward the stone it burst into a bright yellow light that even blinded the scientist watching from behind the glass. As Maxi opened his eyes he was met with the image of a figure floating in the distance,

 before Maxi could process what he was looking at the light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared knocking him unconscious

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before Maxi could process what he was looking at the light disappeared as quickly as it had appeared knocking him unconscious. Days later he discovered that the stone had granted him telepathic powers making him what the doctors called a telepath, a person with the ability to communicate through the mind.


In the following days, his powers continued to grow as he learned how to channel his own psionic and telekinetic energy which allows him to project energy blasts, streams, waves, and bolts of energy allowing him to hit, push/pull or blow away objects. This energy manifests in any shape or form and is visible in a reddish color.


A year later Maxi was told that he would be transferred to a facility called Cadmus in Washington D.C. and put in the care of a man named Dr. Desmond. During his time at Cadmus, he had read the minds of the scientists and learned that they were working on a project called Project Kr.

Further into his time at Cadmus Maxi was allowed to roam the facility and was introduced to the genomorph named Dubbilex who taught him how to better use his telekinetic abilities and taught many other things including the English language, despite that he still retained a sokovian accent.

Maxi had felt comfortable with the genomorph confiding in him about his past and his reason for joining the program that gave him his powers. During one of their many telepathic lessons, Dubbilex had decided to take him on a trip to a different area of the lab.

"Where are you taking me?" Maxi questioned as he and Dubbilex entered an elevator, "Something you need to see," Dubbilex said as the elevator went deeper and deeper before dinging at a certain floor. "This is sub-level 52 can you guess what is down here?"

"Project Kr, but that doesn't explain why you have brought me down here" Maxi answered as the doors of the elevator opened revealing an area with a strange pinkish texture covering the walls. "Whoa" was all Maxi could say as he looked around the floor stunned by what he was seeing, "This is where they keep the genomorphs but this isn't why we're here," Dubbilex said as he continued to walk down one of the halls with Maxi close behind.

Further down the hallway, they arrived at came a large door that read Project Kr sealed and locked via keypad. "Are we even allowed to down here?" Maxi asked as he looked over Dubbilex's shoulder as they typed in the passcode.

"Who could stop us?" Dubbilex questioned as the door slowly opened revealing the room containing Project Kr "This is why I have brought you here Maxi" Dubbilex said gesturing to the pod containing a boy seemingly the same age as him. " So this is project Kr," Maxi said getting closer to the unconscious boy.

As Maxi gazed at the boy, he noticed three small genomorphs above him with their horns glowing red. "What are they doing to him" Maxi questioned as he touched the pod sensing the telepathic waves from the genomorphs.

"Giving him an education, and preparing him for the day when Superman falls so that he may take his place," Dubbilex explained.

"So what's the problem" Maxi questioned taking his attention off of the clone and back on the genomorph.

"Do you know of Cadmus's true purpose Maxi ?" Dubbilex questioned.

"What do you mean true purpose, I thought Cadmus was just a research lab," Maxi said looking at Dubbilex in confusion.

"The lab above is just a cover-up for what is really going on, they're engineering weapons of mass destruction like you," Dubbilex said as he walked over and stood beside Maxi.

Maxi wanted to disagree but deep down he knew the genomorph was right, the program he had volunteered for in hopes of revenge for his family had turned him into a weapon to use as they saw fit. "But you don't have to be, you can better use your powers to help people"

"D-Do you really believe that?" Maxi asked as he reverted back to the scared little boy that used to be fearful of the future.

"Yes child, but first you need to escape both of you," Dubbilex said grasping Maxis' shoulders in determination.

"What do you mean both of us," Maxi asked looking at the genomorph with a confused expression.

"Both you and Project Kr deserve freedom, to not be prisoners of Cadmus, to be something better, something good," Dubbilex said as he took Maxi back to his room.

"When the time comes you'll know"

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