Denial (7)

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Mount Justice, August 19, 7:39 PM

Maxi stood to the side as he watched Superboy and Kaldur about to spar. He was excited for everyone else to see how far Superboy had come. The clone had come a long way from simple punches and brute force. The Sokovian was proud of the clone's progress.

Being off duty everyone was in their civilian clothing. Maxi was in a red long sleeve shirt, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black sneakers.


Superboy and Kaldur circled each other on the circle. The clone had forgone a shirt leaving his toned body for all to see, not that Maxi mined.




Just like that, they sprang into action. Maxi watched closely as Superboy quickly blocked and dodged Kaldur's attacks. Eventually, they locked arms and wrestled before Superboy put his foot behind Kaldur's and knocked him down.

"Black Canary taught me that."

"Do you know who else would make the cutest couple?"  Artemis asked.

"Who?" M'gann asked.

"Maxi and Superboy."

Maxi immediately went stiff as well as Superboy.

"I agree, they fit together so well as it is." M'gann replied, "Maxi is kind, understanding, and compassionate while Superboy is brooding, stern and protective. It's like one of those romance novels I read back home."

The two looked in opposite directions from each other and avoided eye contact.

Wally zipped in between them, mouth full of burrito, "You two do know that they can hear you right?"

The two girls looked over to see Maxi and Superboy standing uncomfortably.

"Oops," Artemis said awkwardly.

Before the situation could be any more awkward Red Tornado descended from his room at the top of the cave. When he landed he began to walk away until Wally got in his way in a blur.

"You got a new mission for us?" He asked excitedly.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." The android replied.

"Well, the Batman is out with the Robin doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham." The redhead replied, "But you're headed somewhere huh? Hot date or a mission?"

"If we can be of help." Kaldur offered.

Wordlessly Red Tornado turned around and the holo screens appeared. Everyone watched as a sharply dressed elderly man appeared on screen, "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old."

"The guy doesn't a look a day over ninety." Wally joked but got a nudge from Maxi.

"And he has been missing for 23 days, Nelson was a charter member of the Justice Society, the precursor of your mentors' Justice League." The image changed to a man dawning a golden helmet, a blue suit and a golden came.

"Of course, Nelson was earth's Sorcerer Supreme he was Dr. Fate," Kaldur stated.

"Fate was a Lord of Order, his mission: to root out any chaos across the planet." Robin added, "He may be one of the most powerful beings on Earth if not the universe."

"Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts. But Kent he is caretaker to the Helmet of Fate, the source to the Doctor's mystic might and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded." The android explained.

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