Fireworks (2)

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(Thank you so much ImpulseTompling for providing the script for the series you're truly a life saver.)

A G-gnome sits on one of the desks in an expansive lab as Desmond paces across the center. Finally slowing as seven screens come down from the ceiling. All seven are active, but instead of pictures, white outlines counteract the blue background.

"Dr. Desmond, you require an audience with the Light?" a man's voice asks, anger clear in his tone. (Savage)

"Yes. Very sorry to disturb you at this late hour," he says, seeming like a tiny mouse compared to the lion he acts like to Guardian and the others.

"Just make your report." another man's voice speaks up, annoyance clear in his tone. (Ocean Master)

"Of course," Desmond says quickly. "Ahem." he clears his throat as he tries to buy himself time. "Well, we had a small fire, here at Project Cadmus. The origin of the incident is still unclear but seems to have attracted some... unwanted attention."

As he continues to speak the scene changes to show Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad unconscious in pods as Superboy watches over them.

"The three sidekicks, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash breached security. They found and released the weapon, the Superboy. Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control and as ordered turned against his would-be liberators. The three are contained and we don't believe the League knows they're here." With that, he finishes his report then comes to why he really called them. "Uh... what should I do with them?"

"Clone them." the second male's voice says.

"The substitutes will serve the Light and only the Light." the deeper male's voice agrees.

"And the originals?" Desmond asks.

"Dispose of them." the deeper voice commands with no hesitation. "Leave no trace."

Desmond only smiles cruelly in response. Unaware a certain sokovian was lurking in the shadows.

'I guess this is the sign Dubbilex was talking about' Maxi thought as he recalled the message from a few hours ago.


'This is proving to be more difficult than I originally thought'  Maxi thought as he got in an elevator to make his way down to sub-level 52.  "I can't believe I got to rescue a couple of superheroes, It should be the other way around" Maxi mumbled to himself just as the elevator dinged with the floor number reading 52.
"Time runs short." a male's voice says. "You must awaken, help is on the way." none of the teens even flinch. "You must awaken NOW!"

Kid Flash comes to, gasping for air and his green eyes flying open. The other two are just as alert now too. Their attention trained on the glaring Superboy before them. "What? What do you want?" the speedster asks, his annoyance fighting his fear. "Quit staring. You're creeping me out."

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin suggests to the seriously freaked-out speedster.

Desmond and the scientist that was in Project Kr walk down the organic-looking hall.

"Prepare the cloning procedure for the new Project Sidekick, now," Desmond instructs. She leaves instantly and Desmond continues to walk until he is side-by-side with Guardian.

"Almost done here Doc," he tells him once he comes to a pause. A G-troll holds the door stable while a worker welds the broken configurations.

Desmond continues forward, then stops short in shock as he seems the pod is empty. "Where's the weapon?" he demands, though there's anger in his voice, there's fear in his eyes.

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