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Star City, August 25, 10:48 AM

"Well I had fun," Maxi said breaking the silence since the showcase of his new power. The team had returned to the rooftop adjacent to Star Labs as they watched as the police escorted the villains out of the building.

Each of them shook in fear as they were put into the back of the cop cars, "So are we going to acknowledge what the hell just happened?" Artemis announced unceremoniously.

"What do you mean?" Maxi questioned as he turned his attention away from the lab and back to his teammates behind him.

"Oh, I don't know the fact that you went and singlehandedly broke into Star Labs, your new powers, stop me when I'm getting close," Artemis answered sarcastically resulting in Maxi simply rolling his eyes.

"I really don't know what you're talking my powers are still the same, psionic energy has a lot of applications as long as you know what you're doing," Maxi responded before walking back toward the bioship.

Before Artemis could confront Maxi again she was stopped by Robin placing his hand on her shoulder.

"He's lying," Robin said through the telepathic link. Artemis quickly turned to see if Maxi noticed only for him to seemingly not.

"I opened a telepathic link between just the six of us," M'gann said before Robin continued what he was about to say.

"Something is definitely different with Maxi, he doesn't speak to us for days then seemingly comes back with whole new powers. Something doesn't add up," Robin deduced.

"What if Maxi's right, we don't know the extent of his powers," Superboy said trying to defend Maxi. "We've all seen Maxi use his powers before and every time he does his hands and eyes glow red." Robin glanced at the bioship to check to see if the coast was clear before he continued.

"This time his hands glowed a pinkish color and he managed to make an omnium steel door rust. That's not psionic energy it's gotta be something else entirely," Robin explained.

"What do you suggest we do?" Aqualad asked.


Mount Justice, August 26, 12:00 AM

The next day the team decided they would spy on Maxi for a while before getting the league involved. They each took shifts watching him to see if anything irregular happened.

Superboy had volunteered to be the first shift and was currently pretending to watch tv as Maxi was reading a book in the armchair next to him.

Superboy would occasionally glance at Maxi for a couple of seconds before quickly going back to watching tv.

This would go on for a few minutes until their eyes met, Superboy tried to act like Maxi didn't just catch him looking at him but Maxi knew something was up.

"Did you need something?" Maxi asked shutting his book and giving Superboy his full attention. As Superboy stared into Maxi's eyes his mind couldn't help but short-circuit before giving the boy his hastily put-together excuse.

"I...I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a ride with me, you know just to get out for a bit." Superboy responded saying the first thing that came to mind.

Maxi's eyes widened in shock before quickly responding. " I-I would love to" Maxi stuttered before running back to his room.

"Just give me a few minutes!" Maxi yelled as he left a stunned Superboy still sitting on the couch. Not too long after Wally entered the kitchen to get a snack to see a frozen Superboy who hadn't moved since Maxi left to get ready.

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