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Gotham City, October 6th, 9:00 am

As the bright sun shined over Gotham Batman stood tall watching over his city from a rooftop waiting for Robin to meet him. "What did you want to talk about?" Batman questioned not even turning around to face the boy wonder who appeared from the shadows.

"It's about Maxi" Robin answered his mask expressing the scowl on his face. As Robin explained his suspicions, Batman's face remained stoic as ever. "I already know," Batman said after a moment of silence. "What?!" Robin exclaimed the white of his mask enhancing his surprised expression.

"Doctor Light wasn't the only one watching you on the security cameras," Batman stated as he continued to watch over the city "I've been conducting my own investigation for a while now" he continued.

"Since Cadmus, I've kept my eye on him, his powers are extremely dangerous and appear to be evolving," Batman explained. "Zatara had happened to see the footage and left the room immediately after" Batman went on.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Robin exclaimed "we're supposed to be partners" he muttered to himself but Batman heard him.

Finally, turning to face the boy wonder Batman walked over to him and placed his hand on the teen's shoulder. "I wanted to be sure he wouldn't be a detriment to the team or you" Batman explained sincerely. Taking a deep breath Robin nodded his head " I understand, so what do I do?" he asked his mentor.

"Do nothing"

Mount Justice, October 6th, 11:00 am

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Mount Justice, October 6th, 11:00 am

Back at the mountain, Maxi was currently lounging around in his room when he heard strange whispers begin to fill the room. "What the hell?" Maxi thought as his head started to ring, as the voices grew louder Maxi stumbled around his room before he collided with his bookshelf knocking over some books.

One of those books happened to be The Darkhold which was glowing a faint red, before Maxi could question it the voices grew too much for him causing him to fall unconscious. As The Darkhold's red glow grew brighter Conner began knocking on Maxi's door as he heard his groans of agony.

"Maxi, are you alright? " Conner asked as he continued to knock harder on the door. Looking at the ground Conner noticed the bright red light coming from Maxi's room.

Not hesitating for a second he knocked down the door only to see Maxi on the ground unconscious. However, before he could reach him the light grew to a blinding magnitude.

"MAXI!" Conner yelled as he had to cover his eyes to avoid the blinding light. After a few seconds, the light began to fade allowing Conner to see again. As his eyes adjusted Conner frantically looked around the room only to find that Maxi had disappeared along with The Darkhold.

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