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Happy Harbor, August 26, 7:00 PM

After missing the first shot Superboy could hear Maxi chuckle beside him. "You still got a few shots left buddy," the man said as the game continued.

With a deep breath, Superboy tried again and again missing each time. "So close, sorry buddy," the man said as he stopped the game. While the man's back was turned, Maxi made a motion with his fingers shooting a pink beam of energy at the gun.

"I'd like to try" Maxi announced getting the man's attention, "Ah a new challenger approaches let's hope you're better than the last guy,"  The man said pretending he didn't want Superboy to hear him.

"I can assure you I am" Maxi responded giggling as he could hear Superboy growl beside him. As the game, restarted Maxi picked up the toy gun confidently. Staring down the gun sights Maxi's finger brushed against the trigger.

Taking a deep breath Maxi fired the gun, hitting the target dead in the center letting out a ping noise. Keeping momentum Maxi began to fire the firearm each bullet finding its Mark rapidly, much to the surprise of the man working the game and Superboy.

"I didn't know you had aim like that!" Superboy said as he looked at all the knocked-down targets.

"Might even give Artemis a run for her money" Maxi chuckled as he was handed the giant plushie he wanted. After they won the game the duo decided to try out the Ferris wheel so they could get a view of the city lights, "Thank you again for taking me here Superboy" Maxi said while looking away from the clone so he couldn't see the smile on his face.

"D-don't mention it I figured we both were stuck in the mountain and we could use the night off," Superboy said as he was also looking away from Maxi so the telepath couldn't see his blushing face. As the Ferris wheel finally reached the top both Maxi and Superboy looked over at the glowing city in awe of the bright lights.

While Maxi was distracted Superboy took the time to appreciate just how beautiful Maxi looked tonight. His brown skin seemingly glowing in the moonlight complimented by the thick curls of hair that cascaded down his shoulders.

Superboy hadn't been alive for a long time but he already knew that Maxi was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. "Superboy?" Maxi said waving his hand in front of the clone's face to get his attention.

"Huh, what's wrong?" Superboy asked coming out of his head. Looking down he noticed that he had subconsciously moved closer to Maxi. "You looked like you were lost in thought," Maxi said running his hand through his hair,  Looking at Superboy Maxi felt the feeling he'd been harboring for a while now grow even stronger. As the pair continued to stare at each other Maxi could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

"Hey Maxi" Superboy called out grabbing the telepath's attention. "Ye-" but before Maxi could respond Superboy did something that surprised the both of them, Superboy had done the one thing he had been wanting to do for a long time now the one thing he hadn't dared to do but tonight was different. He finally got the courage to kiss Maxi.

The kiss was awkward at first but after a while, they quickly got the hang of it. As the pair of young heroes continued to make out Superboy wrapped his arms around Maxi's waist and pulled him closer.

After what felt like forever they both pulled away completely out of breath, neither of them knew exactly what to say to the other but they both knew they felt something even if they couldn't say exactly what that feeling was.

"So...what now?" Maxi muttered breaking the silence between them, "What do you want to happen" Superboy asked as he gently caressed Maxi's face.

"Oh for the love of god just fuck already!" yelled a voice from below them. Just then they both realized they were still on the Ferris wheel and not alone in their little bubble, looking down they both spotted Artemis holding a bag of popcorn while M'gann tried to hide behind her.

"Artemis what are you doing here?!" Maxi yelled back embarrassed that their friends and probably the rest of the fair saw them kiss.

"I guess I have some explaining to do," Superboy said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. Once the pair got off the wheel and grouped up with Artemis and M'gann Superboy explained how the other had helped him get ready earlier.

"I'm sorry for following you guys" M'gann apologized bowing her head in shame. "I'm not" Artemis interjected grabbing a handful of her popcorn "I wasn't gonna miss for the world," she said before stuffing her face with popcorn.

"It's getting late we should probably head back" Superboy announced grabbing everyone's attention. "I agree wouldn't want Red Tornado worrying about us," Maxi said still holding the giant plushie.

"You guys can back ride with us, the ship can fit sphere as well," M'gann said as she and Artemis led the way back to where they parked the spacecraft. Before Maxi could catch up to the others Superboy grabbed his arm and held him back.

"What are we?" Superboy taking the straightforward approach he was famous for. "It depends, I really like you but I don't want to get my hopes up" Maxi responded looking down and holding the giant plushie closer to his body.

"I feel the same way, have since Cadmus" Superboy whispered using his fingers to tilt Maxi's head upwards so that he could meet his gaze. Maxi didn't need to be a mind reader to tell Superboy meant what he was saying.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Superboy asked his breath brushing up against Maxi's lips. Answering his question this time Maxi initiated the kiss between them with Superboy being more than happy to reciprocate.

Pulling away Maxi smiled brightly "We should probably catch up with M'gann and Artemis before we get left behind," Maxi said before grabbing Superboy's hand.

"lead the way" Superboy responded with a smile of his own. As the two walked past the fair games they walked past the fair game they had first visited now holding hands. "Awww, young love," the game worker said before his eyes glowed red "Right Teekl?"

Back at the mountain

Once the crew got off the ship they were meant by Robin and the others waiting on them "How'd it go?" Robin asked as M'gann and Artemis stepped off the ship "See for yourself, I'm heading off to bed, spy takes a lot out of you" Artemis responded after letting out a yawn.

Looking behind her Robin spotted Maxi and Superboy walking off the ship hand in hand. Speeding next to him Wally wrapped an arm around Superboy's shoulder "Dude nice work getting the guy!" Wally said congratulating the new couple.

"I'm gonna head to my room..goodnight you guys," Maxi said as he left the hangar. Once Maxi made it to his room he plopped onto his bed exhausted.

It didn't take long for Maxi to get into his sleepwear and once he got in his bed and pulled the covers over his head he was out like a light with a smile finding its way onto his face even in his dreams.


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