The Witch Boy

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(Yall don't understand how hard I was struggling to get that gif as my header lol)

Mount Justice

When Maxi heard the sound of a cat meowing he thought he was already dreaming but something inside told him to open his eyes.

Once Maxi opened his eyes he was face to face with a ginger cat with black stripes and piercing red eyes. For a minute Maxi just stared at the ginger cat unsure of how it even got into his room.

After a second Maxi thought back to a few hours earlier when the team had gone to the tower of fate to rescue Kent Nelson, They had encountered the villain called Abra Kadabra.

However, he wasn't alone the other person with Kadabra was the young boy with black hair shaped like devil horns. He had remembered seeing the cat in the boy's arms.

Once Maxi recalled that he shot out of his bed getting as far away from the cat as possible. With a meow, the cat jumped off Maxi's bed and walked over to the boy before brushing up against his leg.

" I think she likes you" Spoke a voice from behind him. Spinning around Maxi turned to see the boy from earlier standing in front of him. Jumping back Maxi raised his hands to defend himself only for his powers not to work.

"Ah ah ah, I only came to talk," the boy said picking up the orange cat in his arms and petting it resulting in the cat purring. "You know one Witch boy to another" The boy continued with a menacing grin on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Maxi said not taking his eyes off the strange boy and his feline companion.

"Really? you have no idea what you're capable of do you?" the boy said taking a step closer to Maxi and backing him into his bookshelf. "This is gonna be fun," the boy said before a dark portal opened behind him.

"Come on, don't you wanna find out what you are?" The boy said beckoning Maxi to the portal with a dark smile on his face. Deep down Maxi knew following the boy into the portal was a bad idea but with his strange dreams plaguing him, every night he was desperate for answers.

"Fine" Maxi said walking into the portal. Once the duo entered the portal Maxi looked back one last time before the portal closed behind them. 'No turning back now,' Maxi thought to himself before following the strange boy.

While Maxi followed the boy he couldn't help but think of what his friends would say if they knew about what he was doing. While Maxi was preoccupied with his thoughts a sudden shiver went through his body.

With the sudden chill interrupting Maxi's train of thought he finally realized where the witch boy had taken him.

It only took a second for Maxi to recognize the temple from his dreams only it wasn't a temple but somewhere on top of a mountain with fog covering the surrounding area making the mountain feel isolated.

"Must be nice having a whole mountain built in your honor don't you think?"

Hearing this Maxi turned his attention back to the witch boy "What do you mean my honor?" Maxi said unknowingly getting closer to the boy. "You have no idea do you?" the boy said as he began to circle Maxi.

"You have no idea just how dangerous you are. You're supposed to be a myth, a being of spontaneous creation," the boy said before gesturing to the giant statue behind him.

This information was too much to process for the sokovian teen. He had learned so much yet so little at the same time.

However, he had another question for the witch boy "Why are you telling me all this aren't we on opposing sides?" Hearing this the boy let out a loud laugh nearly falling over. "Sides I'm on nobody's side, I just wanna see what happens" the boy responded with a grin.

Maxi was beginning to think it was a bad idea to follow the crazy witch boy to a mountain in the middle of nowhere. "Why me, I don't think I'm capable of something like that" Maxi muttered.

"Oh please stop acting so modest you've always been able to. How else do you think you stopped that shell from exploding?"

Maxi's eyes widened in shock. "Opps too soon?" The witch boy joked with a cheeky smile "One of the many applications of chaos magic is probability manipulation, which you used to stop the bomb."

The boy finished as he started to pet the orange cat once more. "Chaos magic, probability manipulation, this is all too much" Maxi groaned as he could already feel his head start to hurt.

While Maxi was distracted the orange cat turned to the witch boy before letting out a quiet meow. "You're right Teekl he does have a long way to go, but I know just how to get him started" the witch boy muttered.

"If you want to learn more about your powers then I know how to help" the witch boy announced.

"How?" Maxi questioned, his curiosity getting the best of him once again. "It's really simple all you have to do is follow my lead" The witch boy declared setting the orange cat on the ground. "Fine, but after this, I want to go back to my room."

"Yeah yeah, let's get started." The witch boy announced. "All you have to do is channel your power and do this." The witch boy continued as he started to make a simple motion with his hands.

Maxi followed the boy's instructions closing his eyes as he began to focus his power. "Did anything happen?" he asked with his eyes still shut.

With Maxi's eyes shut he couldn't see the dark smile on the witch boy's face. "Open your eyes and see" the boy called out to the teen.

With a deep breath, Maxi opened his eyes to see a book floating in the air before placing itself in Maxi's hands. "What is this?" Maxi questioned running his hand across the book cover and feeling the detail.

"Think of it as witchcraft for dummies, now let's get you back home," the boy said before snapping his finger and transporting them back to Maxi's room.

"Wait, you didn't tell me your name" Maxi began to say only for the boy and his cat to disappear in the blink of an eye leaving Maxi alone in his room.

With a sigh, Maxi sat down on his bed with the book still in his hands. "This is supposed to help me understand my powers" Maxi said to himself questioning the whole situation.

With a reluctant sigh, Maxi opened the book.
Back on the mountain, the witch boy sat in the air petting his cat. "Is it done?" a dark voice spoke echoing throughout the mountain. "Of course, you'll have what you need in due time" the witch boy replied still petting his cat.

"Excellent work Klarion"

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