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Mount Justice, August 25, 8:22 AM

After his encounter with the Witch boy Klarion, Maxi had spent most of his time inside his room reading the book gifted to him. He had spent days learning its secrets and even finding a chapter dedicated to a being called The Scarlet Witch.

Maxi had learned many things after reading the book including things about himself he didn't even know, after the witch boy had told Maxi about his ability to affect probability Maxi began to practice this power daily.

However, even days after practicing his new power, Maxi was still unsure just how far he could take it, which excited him.

After another day inside his room Maxi decided what better way to test his new power than getting out in the field.

The day started as any other, M'gann was in the kitchen trying out a new chocolate recipe she had found with Wally being her designated taste tester.

Robin had convinced Kaldur to spar with him and they were going back in forth, Artemis practices her aim with her crossbow by shooting various soda cans, And Superboy sitting alone with his mind elsewhere.

The whole team was startled when Red Tornado's voice echoed throughout the mountain "There has been a break-in at star labs led by Doctor light, Batman has ordered you to take him down."

After Red Tornado's announcement, the team rushed to get into their costumes. While still in his room Maxi reached into his closet and pulled out his red coat 'Well what are the odds' he thought to himself before he continued to get ready.

Soon after the team got into their costumes they all met at M'gann's bioship about to take off. "You think Maxi is gonna come this time?" Wally questioned looking around to see that they were a member short.

"Oh please I bet he's still cooped up in his room doing god knows what" Artemis replied already stepping into the ship.

As Artemis entered the ship she turned to see Maxi sitting comfortably in the seat he would usually sit in. "Did you miss me?" Maxi questioned sitting crosslegged with a smile on his face.

Everyone was shocked as Maxi casually sat in his seat as if he hadn't been in his room for days. "Dude, we haven't seen you in days and that's the first thing you say!?" Wally yelled after speeding in front of Maxi and pointing his finger in his face.

"Look, I'm sorry for being gone for so long but after our last mission I've just been really tired and I needed a couple of days to relax" Maxi apologized not looking anyone in the eye.

Stepping forward Kaldur placed his hand on Maxi's shoulder gaining the other boy's attention. "We're all just glad to have you back, it was not the same without you, we are stronger when we are together," Kaldur said before walking over to his seat. Maxi mouthed the words thank you before glancing over at Superboy who was doing the same.


Star City, August 25, 9:20 AM

After a short ride in the bioship Maxi and the others arrived at Star City, home of Green Arrow and home to The Science and Technology Advanced Research Laboratories aka Star Labs.

As the bioship flew in camouflage high above the city Maxi couldn't help but peer over the city in curiosity. Seeing a new location was always the highlight of going on missions for Maxi he just loved being able to see parts of the world he didn't even know existed not too long ago.

"Approaching Star Labs" M'gann announced bringing Maxi out of his thoughts. "Are you sure you're not gonna be rusty?" Wally questioned unhooking his seat belt to get out of his chair to get his stretches in.

With a smile on his face, Maxi shook his head before responding. "I'm ready as I'll ever be," Maxi said as the bioship landed on the roof of the laboratory. "M'gann once we get inside be sure to link us up" Aqualad ordered as the team began their infiltration into the laboratory.

Dr. Light had gathered a group of villains to take over the lab for an unknown agenda. It was unclear whether or not hostages were involved but no one was gonna take any chances. "Kid Flash, Superboy survey the area with your infra vision to get a read on where Dr. Light is,"

Aqualad ordered through the link while Maxi kept watch from behind. "I don't see any hostages but I do see five people in the room behind those doors," Superboy announced just as Robin noticed the terminal next to the door.

"Don't mind if I do" Robin murmured to himself before cracking his knuckles and getting to work on hacking the terminal. However, just as Robin began to hack the terminal the screen turned red displaying an error message.

In the corner of the room, a security camera turned toward the team. "Ah ah ah, I don't think so boy wonder, you didn't think i'd let you get in that easy did you" Dr.Light spoke over the intercom taunting the group of young heroes.

Just then the team turned towards the sound of a loud bang as they saw Superboy attempting to bust the door down. "You poor fool, that door is pure steel and can only be opened from the inside!" Dr. Light declared as he continued to mock the heroes.

"Now what?" Kid Flash asked as Aqualad began to aid Superboy in trying to bust the door down. Just then Maxi walked forward and made a gesture toward the door. Suddenly the door flew open allowing the team to continue forward.

Everyone watched in silence as Maxi continued to walk further down the hall. Just as Maxi took another step a tile that he had stepped on turned bright red.

Just then a pair of laser guns opened from a hidden compartment on the ceiling and aimed straight at Maxi who simply tilted his head.

With his hand, glowing pink Maxi made another gesture at the laser guns causing them to explode. The team could only watch in shock as Maxi continued his walk toward the final door.

"Y-you w-won't be able to get through that door, for it is pure omnium" Dr.Light stuttered as he could only watch from the security camera that was still intact. "We'll just see about that, the odds tend to be in my favor doctor" Maxi responded raising his hand.

Suddenly the once shiny omnium door began to slowly turn brown "Wait! it's turning brown!"

"IT'S RUSTING!?" Dr.Light cried over the intercom before quickly spinning around to see his last wall of defense had fallen.

Watching everything transpire over the security camera Dr. Light and the other small villains he had somehow convinced to break in dropped to their knees.

"We Surrender!"

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