Chapter 12: Jeanine

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1. Nirvana

2. Jonas

3. Pheonix


5. Kaitlyn

6. Sara

7. Peyton

8. Hunter

9. Chris

10. Bryan

11. Dave

12. Maria

13. Nancy

14. Brittany

I was able to wake up from my nap, to see Eric post the rankings in the dormitories. After I got back I saw all of my friends asleep, probably trying to catch up on their sleep. Today was a break from initiation before we had to go back to torture.

When he turns around, his eyes catch mine to see me stretching. A yawn escapes my lips and I squint my eyes.

"Hey." I say.

There was literally no one in the entire room, so no one was here to catch us talking. He walks back over to the door and closes it, then walks toward me.

"Hey." Eric sits at the edge of the bed while a sat up. He stared at my face, silently for so long I became quite self conscience.

"Jeez I know guys say I'm sexy and everything but there's no need to stare." I joke and smirk. Unfortunately, he didn't show I hint amusement at what I said. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"No you're not, what are you hiding?" My eyebrows come together in confusion and I sit up straighter."Don't lie."

"What I want to say can easily wait until later." I become more and more anxious from his stalling.

"It obviously can't because I want to know now."

"Nope, not getting anything out of me." He says, faking like he is locking his lips up to keep the secret.

"Ugh, I hate you." I lay back down on the bed, my back facing towards him.

"Come on, you don't mean that." He scoots closer to me, his face hovering above my curled up body.

"Yes I do." I say, covering my face with my arm to hide the smile on my face.

"Mhm." He takes the arm away from my face, before placing his lips all over me. He kisses my cheek, neck, ear, forehead, and shoulder. I giggle as he pecks over me, feeling the smile on his lips. "Do you hate me now?"

The grin on his and my face was worthwhile in that moment. All the times when I heard other girls in Dauntless talking about how they were waiting for Mr.Right and I never believed in it. They talked about how perfect he would and dumb crap like that.

I still don't believe in that stuff, but in this moment I realize just how perfect Eric is to me. He might be sadistic, and condescending at times but is truly sweet most of the time.

"Come here." I grab his face and give him a light kiss on the lips. Our face stays close for a while, before he lets out a sigh and pulls away.

"Unfortunatley, I have to get back to work. Congratulations on first place by the way." He says, quickly kissing my forehead and jogging out the door.

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