Chapter 5: A Lost Fight

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"Today is the final day for fighting, and for the last two days of training shall be spent with simpler things. Like, knife-throwing, gun shooting, and perhaps archery." Lauren yelled across the room.

I didn't even bother listening to anything else she said. The only thing that had my attention was the board at this point.

Nirvana vs Dave

I can't fight him, I'd lose for sure. He was almost twice as tell as me and his biceps were nearly the size of my head. And I don't lose fights to people. Ever.

Like ever ever.


The worst is that Eric is here to monitor today. He already calls me weak and says I can't fight, this definitely will give fuel to the fire.


Soon enough it was my turn to fight, and I was anything but ready.

I'm usually confident when I fight but I sure as hell wasn't ready now. We stepped up on the ring getting into our positions.

I can just about feeling Eric's glare burning into my back. I ignored it and dodged Dave's first punch. He threw another, only for me to dodge and punch him in the nose. This caused blood to slowly run down his face.

He quickly wipes it and manages to punch my jaw. My head goes slightly fuzzy and pain surges into my jaw. I recover only to get kneed in the stomach, and then elbowed in my face.

Shake it off.

I fake a kick to his stomach and throw a punch at his face. Unfortunately he saw this coming and caught my fist in his large hand and twisted my arm behind my back. He sweeps my feet and
and crawls on top of me. Dave punches my eye, nose, jaw, cheek, everything. All I can feel is pain and the feeling of warm blood creeping down my nose.

Get up.

I knee him in his crotch and and slide out from under him, onto my feet.

Now, my head was dizzy and I could now see three Dave's. I wobble a little and wipe blood from my nose and spit out some blood to where ever. I try to punch the middle Dave but miss and only hit the left Dave. My fist only connects with air.

I suddenly feel a foot connect with my stomach and fall down onto my back. More kicks are thrown at me but I refuse to lose conscious. I try to get up on my hands and knees only to be pushed back down and kicked more. My eyes slowly close but I still have consciousness and can still feel the kicks behind thrown at me.

"Stop!" Eric's voice bellows across the room. "You're finished Dave."

"Not done," I whisper, slowly trying to sit back up. I can feel warm blood slowly creeping down my chin but I'm too stubborn to give up. 

Eric shakes his head at me and starts to pick me up but I try crawling away. 

"I'm not done I'm-" I gulp down the blood creeping up my throat. "I'm still awake."

Eric ignores me and lifts up into his arms.

"You're done."


"Ok, what to do for today?" I asked walking into the training room.

"Nothing, You're hurt, go to your dorm and sleep." Eric says with no emotion.

"No, I'm fine now what are we doing" I lie.

The truth was, I was hurt. My right eye was almost swollen shut and my cheek had a yellowish tint on it. My jaw looked about the same and it hurt to talk. Not even to mention that my side felt like hell when I took in a breath.

"Don't lie to me Nirvana." He spat out my full name with venom.

"Don't call me by my full name, I'm fine!" I try to hide the slight wince as I scream across the room.

"I do admire you're courage. But I swear if you shout at me again, I won't hesitate to hurt you." He growled at me. We were now inches away from each other and for once, I was actually scared of Eric.

I averted the eye contact I had with him and stared at the ground.

"I wasn't finished with the fight." I speak quietly.

"I know you weren't."

"Then why'd you stop it?"

"Because I had seen enough."

"What do you mean? I mean if anything I would think you would want to see more. "

"You're so clueless firecracker." He said.

"Geez could you be anymore of a condescending ass?" I said and his lips twitched up for a split second.

"Did I see a smile there for a second?" I say as a smile creeps onto my lips.

"Leave Vana." He said in his hard tone.

"Fine but we're going to talk about that smile later on." I said turning around and leaving.

"In your dreams firecracker!"


"Alright so what should we do tonight?" I ask while sitting on my bed.

Peyton, Hunter, Sara and I were now in the dormitories trying to figure out what to do tonight.

"Well we can't really do much with you being injured" Peyton says.

"I know! We could make Hunter get a tattoo." Sara says.

"What no!" Hunter argues.

"You're right, it's not fair unless we vote on it." I say. "All who think Hunter shall get inked, raise your hand."

Literally everyone in the room raised their hand except for Hunter.

"No one was talking to you!" Hunter said to the other people.

"Oh come on Hunter. You're the only one that still hasn't got a tattoo. It's time to get out of this pussy phase." Peyton said, walking up and wrapping his arm around him.

"No no no, you guys are not going to peer pressure me into this shit." He said.

"Pussy. Pussy. Pussy. Pussy! Pussy! Pussy!" Sara had started a chant and we all joined.

"Fine! Fine! I'll do it assholes." Hunter agreed and we let out a cheer.

"If he's getting a tattoo, I'm definitely going with." Pheonix said.

"Ok but you're going to have to carry me there." I said and jumped onto his back.

"I hate all of you." Hunter muttered.

"We love you too sweetheart!" Peyton said and kissed his cheek.

Hunter shoved Peyton off and Sara let out a few giggles.

"Awwww, look at the little cute couple." Pheonix and I made kissy noises.

This is why I chose Dauntless, not only to make my mom proud.

But because we are free.

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