Chapter 18: Ada

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I was just turning in for bed, wearing my black cropped shirt and flannel shorts. I needed to go to bed early tonight since I had my first day as a Dauntless Leader tomorrow morning. As I was just about to lay down, someone knocks on the door.I walk towards the door and open it to see Adam.

"You don't even ask who it is before you answer the door?" He says glaring at me.

"What do you want Adam?" I ask annoyed.

"Look," He says scratching the back of his neck. "I messed up when I was younger and long story short I have a 4 year old daughter."

"If this is a joke, it's not funny." I say crossing my arms.

"I'm not joking."

"Adam I swear-"

"I'm dead serious."

After me continuously screaming at him, he ushers me to go meet her with me reprimanding him the whole. 


We arrived at a door and Adam reaches into his back pocket for a key. He opens the door and immediately I'm greeted with a brown haired, greyish blue eyed little girl running towards the door.

"Daddy!" She screams, and Adam lifts her up into his arms and swings her around.

"There's my little princess." She giggles and Adam sets her down on the floor. When the girl sees me, she moves behind Adam's legs to hide from me.

"Hi there." I say crouching down to her size. "What's your name?"

"Daddy says I shouldn't talk to strangers." She says shyly.

"Ada this is your Aunt Vana, my little sister." He explains, and she peeks behind his leg enough for me to see her face. She got her grey blue eyes from Adam, along with his dark hair. She looks like him in a way, just with more gentle features.

"Hi!" I say kindly reaching my hand out to shake with hers.

"Hi." She says shaking my hand. Her eyes stare at into mine, confused. "How are your eyes that color?"

"I don't know really."

"Your hair color is pretty." She says reaching to touch it. Her small hands run their fingers through my hair.

"Thank god you finally showed up, I thought she was gonna throw a fit." A blonde girl walks into the room talking to Adam. When she sees me she reaches out her hand to shake.

"Hi I'm Audrey, Ada' s mother. You must be Adam's sister, why don't you stay for dinner?"


Eric's Pov

I walk down the hall towards my apartment after dinner. I was only half way there, when I suddenly found trouble. Strolling down the hall is the same kid who was making moves on Vana. I clench my jaw remembering his hands on her face.

Let it go, you don't want trouble.

We make eye contact for a second but I keep on walking.

"Hey, how do you know Vana?" He asks standing in front of me.

"I mean, she's my girlfriend. So I think I would know her."

"She's your girlfriend? Seriously?"

"Do you have a problem?" I say, letting out a humorless chuckle.

"I mean, I'm her friend so you know I'm always looking out for my girl."

I clench my fist when I hear the words 'my girl'fly out of his mouth. She's not his anything . God I could punch for saying something like that.

You don't want trouble.

"Yeah you seemed to be quite friendly towards her when I came over."

"As her friend I'm asking you to back off. Your not a good influence for her. "

"Yeah says who?"

"Says everyone, you got into fights and disputes all the time in Erudite. And even here, what's going to stop you from hitting her?" The kid says in a condescending tone.

"You don't know me." I growl taking a step closer to him. I was taller than him by only a few centimeters.

"You're right I don't but I know that she can be with much better people. People who could treat her much better than you ever could. People like me. She might yours right now, but the second you hurt her she'll be crawling back to me." He says giving me a sarcastic smile.

I feel my heart let out hot angry blood through my body and before I know what I'm doing, I throw a punch at his face.

And another.

And another.

We were on the floor and I was on top of him and he kicks me in the ribs to get me off of him. Then he gets on top and starts throwing punches at me. After that everything feels fuzzy. All I know is that I was punching something so I don't stop.

"Someone stop the fight before they kill each other!" Someone shouts and I hear foot steps run towards us. I feel arms pull me off the kid and pull me away from him. Warm liquid runs down my face. I reach up to touch and when I pull my hand away to see blood on it.

I swear, I don't look for trouble it just always finds me.

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