Chapter 22: Initiates

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I wake up with my head on Eric's chest, me listening to his heart beat steadily. My fingers trace over his fully tattooed arm down to his knuckles. I run index finger lightly over his scabby knuckles from last night. Eric came home last night with bloody knuckles, a split lip, and a light bruise on is cheek. He said he got in a fight with someone who was messing with him.

As I brush his cheek with my thumb, he stirs and then wakes.

"I'm sorry." He says groggily while running his hand through my blue hair. I give him a confused look.

"I know you don't like it when I fight." He says quietly.

"It's ok, come on get up the initiates are probably on their way." I say getting up and dressing in a flannel button down and black overalls. I put on my new galaxy boots and then walk to the bathroom to apply my makeup as Eric shaves the scruff off his face.

When applying eyeliner, you must have a slow and steady hand. It takes focus and skill to master the perfect winged eyeliner. Just as I was about to finish both eyes, Eric purposely nudges my arm making liquid eyeliner smudge across my face. He chuckles at the frustrated look on my face as my face reddens from anger.

"Get out." I say with a still and serious pointing at the door.

"C'mon baby I was just playing-"

"Out now."

"I have to at least finish shaving. I can't just walk around with half scruff."

"You should've thought about that before you messed with me." I say shoving him out the door and locking behind him.



I rush towards the main entrance next to Four and Lauren. Jeanine had appointed Eric and I to oversee all stage one of initiation. Me with dauntless borns and Eric with transfers. I know for a fact that Eric will work those transfers to death. I adjust the beanie on my head as Four raises his eyebrows at me.

"You are really late, I was starting to think you weren't going to show." He says staring the net.

"Don't ask a girl why she's late when she looks as fabulous as me."I say, flipping my hair dramatically over my shoulder making him roll his eyes.

"I bet 20 points that the first jumper will be Erudite." Lauren says confidently.

"I bet 20 points that the first jumper will be Candor."Zeke says appearing out of nowhere.

"I bet 20 it'll Abnegation." Four says. I give him a strange look but he's still staring at the hole in the ceiling. I look up to see from our view, you could see a frail girl looking over the edge with her hair pulled back into a tight bun. The kind only Stiffs wear.

"What about you Vana?" Lauren asks.

"I'm calling a Stiff." I say and a smirk stretches across his face.

"You too are going to lose." Zeke says confidently. "The only stiff that has been in dauntless is Four. And even he didn't jump first."

"We'll see." Four says plainly. Just as he says this, a gray mass falls from the sky and lands on the net. She lays on the net for a second and mostly everyone stands in shock before putting their hand up. The Stiff randomly selects and by coincidence, she choose another Stiff. She tries to get off by holding Four's hand but clumsily falls off. Four swiftly catches her, and helps her upright.

"Oh fuck you!" Zeke shouts when he realizes she's a stiff. He rummages through his pockets and hands Four and I twenty points. Lauren does the same.

"So does the stiff have a name?" I ask, tucking a few blue strands behind my ear. She pauses for a second, thinking .


"Think about it, you don't get to choose again."


"First jumper Tris."

After everyone has jumped, we lead them down the hallway towards the dormitories.

"Ok this is where we split. Dauntless born come with me and Transfers go with Four. If you don't know who Four is, he is the big scary guy standing next to me. He won't murder you trust me." I announce, earning a few laughs from the crowd.


"Ok children stay still as I do a head count." I say hold my clipboard. As I write down the names of people, some people unpack.

"So, I heard you and Eric are dating." Marlene says as she pulls out folded shirts.

"Yep." I say, my voice monotone.

"How is that like?"

"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to answer that." I double check the amount of people in the room.

"Is he big?" I hear Lynn ask. Lynn was always perverted in the head. I turn to her and see she's trying to hide the smile on her face. My cheeks redden as I think of the other night.

"Ha! She's blushing. That means he is big." Uriah says slipping something inside of his pillow. Some people laugh but I stare suspiciously at him.

"What was that?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

"What was what?" He replies quickly.

"You slipped something into your pillow. What was it?" I say, quickly snatching the pillow off the bed. I reach in and pull out a pellet gun and also some pellet ammo.

"Really you stole Zeke's pellet gun?" I say, disappointed.

"That's my pellet gun." He lies swiftly.

"Then why does it say Zeke right here?" I point to Zeke's name engraved on the side of the gun.

"Please don't tell him. " Uriah says quickly. I consider telling him, but decide against it. I know what it feels like to be under an older sibling's wrath.

"Fine, but if I hear anymore dirty jokes from you about Eric and I I'm going to rat." I say tossing him the gun. He grasps it, relieved that he can now live another day. Zeke would kill him if he found out he took his gun.

"Bless your heart."


I sit down at the dinner table with Pheonix and Peyton. Hunter and Sara both had fence duty for the week, so my only female friend is gone.

"So I heard that Eric beat the crap out of a guy last night. People are saying he's in a coma." Peyton says, drowning his hamburger in ketchup.

"Some people just don't know when to not pick fights." Pheonix says, rubbing the Phoenix tattoo on his neck.

"Hahaha like you? I think your nose is still crooked." I joke and Peyton laughs with me. He reaches up and tries to touch Pheonix's nose only for his hand to be smacked away.

"But seriously, how do look at someone like Eric and decide you just want to randomly piss him off. The dude is fucking terrifying!" Peyton exclaims. As he says this, a hush falls over everyone as the doors open to reveal the devil himself. His hair curls behind his ear as he tucks pieces of hair. It's been a while since he has gotten a haircut.

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear." Pheonix whispers as Eric heads towards the table with Four and- I forgot her name already. Was it Kris? He sits down and people resume conversation.

"He's going to try and scare the Stiff. " I say as I see her stare at Eric's wounded knuckles.

"Try? She's probably already peeing herself." Pheonix concludes and I agree.

"So Vana..." Peyton says slowly with a perverted smile growing on his face.

"Rumor has it that your boyfriend has a big-"

"La La La La La La!" I scream, covering my ears.

Happy Thanksgiving! My present to you is two chapters in one day.

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