Chapter 3: A Candor Mouth

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"Ok, today will be the first day for fighting. Rules are bare knuckles and the fight ends when someone KO's. First up, Hunter and Sara." Lauren mutters, leaning on the wall. 

Now this was interesting. I mean, they're my best friends not to mention they are best friends themselves. I don't think that Sara has noticed, but Hunter obviously has a crush on her. And they are both great at fighting. There's so much complication in this.

Peyton and I share a knowing glance as they step into the ring.

Getting into position, Sara makes the first move. She thrusts her fist at his face, but he easily dodges. Next, Sara fakes a punch at his stomach but punches his jaw. He stumbles, losing balance and she takes the advantage to trip him. His head hits against floor with a horrific smack.

I cringe at the sight of my friend laying there not moving. Lauren walks up, and nudges him with the tip of her foot.

Still doesn't move.

After some time, Lauren checks his pulse and instructs Sara to take him to the infirmary.

Sara had won, clean and simple.

"Next, Vana and Bryan." Lauren instructs after circling Sara's name.


Honestly, I've hated Bryan since I was like five. When we were younger, he put gum in my hair for not picking to play with him at recess. Like really? My mom had to cut a big chunk of hair out of my head!

That school year consisted of me wearing different styles of hats.


As we stepped into the ring, he threw a glare at me which I returned. After a while of circling, he throws a punch that I easily dodge. He throws another that I once again dodge. I can't help but notice that he squints before he punches.


I lock eyes with him to predict his next move. He squints his eyes and takes a quick glance at my jaw.

He was going to try and punch my jaw.

I was right for his jaw aimed towards my jaw next. I could tell he put all his might into this one, so when I ducked under his arm his fist connected powerfully with air. With his back towards me, and his balance disoriented, I kicked his back. He turned around and hurriedly caught his balance.

I threw a punch at his nose and was slightly satisfied when his nose started bleeding. Catching him off guard, I knee him twice in his stomach making him drop to his knees.

I wrapped it up by thrusting my knee up towards his face. He fell limp to the floor.

I ended taking him to infirmary also. I walked down the tunnel hallways with an unconscious person's arm draped around my shoulder.

No one questioned a thing.

"Need some help there Munchkin?" I heard Zeke ask from beside me.

"Please do. Bryan really needs to lay off the dauntless cake." I say and he slightly chuckles.

We walked in silence for awhile until I opened my mouth.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked.

"It got boring."

"Work isn't exactly supposed to be fun."

"Well working at the control room seemed fun at first.." He said trailing off at the end.

"And then what?"

"Then I realized I was basically mildly stalking everyone." He confirmed which made me giggle.

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