Chapter 14: A Surprise

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I shoot up from my last fear with a deep breath. I glance around to realize that I was once again in the simulator room. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest when the door opens.

Max and Pops walked in fighting the smirk on his face. Jeanine has an annoyed look on her face.

"What just happened?" I asked, my voice cracking at the end. Jeanine rolls her eyes slightly before explaining.

"Due to the speed of your simulations, it was a suspision that you were divergent. Divergents are-" I tune out the rest since Pops had already described what divergents before. Then my thoughts drift off to my mother.

I just want to see her do the things she loved doing. I just wanted her to die in a better way. I just want to forget the face she made before she hit the water.

I want.

I want.

I want.

What shame it is for us to love something death can touch.


We walk out the headquarters towards the train tracks to wait for the train. I stare at my old boots with my arms wrapped around myself.

"Is there any other way of getting back?" I ask emotionless.

"Eric took a truck up here, I think he's still in there looking for his keys. Maybe you could catch a ride with him." Everrett suggests. Just as soon as he says it, Eric comes out his keys jingling heading towards his truck.

"Can I come with you?" I ask in a quiet voice. He nods and we get in.

"Be safe!" I hear Pops shout before we pull off.


I lay my head on the window and close my eyes. I don't say anything as Eric moves his attention from the road to me.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm fine." The lie slips past so easily. So easy that I know I say 'I'm fine' too much when I'm not fine.

"Tell me the truth." I can just feel his eyes on the side of my face.

"I just feel like I'm the only one who can't move on. My dad is handling a whole faction and Adam is just fine. Everyone is so fucking fine, and I'm the only one who can't keep her shit together! Oh my god, sometimes I just want to forget her!" My grief soon turns into anger.

"I want her out of my fucking head! I'm just so weak and vulnerable compared to everyone and I hate it so much!" I shout and before I thought about it, I snatch the locket off my neck and throw it on the floor. I stomp on it until it breaks and I've cooled off.

Staring at the broken glass on the floor I feel a lump in my throat.

"It sucks because I thought I was fine and now I know that I really am not. And I never will. I-" I hate moments like this when I can't even talk because I'm about to cry.

"Come here." I didn't realize he'd stopped the car until now. I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around me as I cry myself to sleep.


I wake up on a bed in a room I've never been in. I start to feel panic in my chest as I glance around the room more. The woodsy smell in the room is familiar, I just don't know why. Standing up, I look down to see that I was still in my clothes from last night. I tip toe on my bare feet out of the open door, down the hall towards a small living room. On the couch, I see a sleeping Eric that made me relax.

His mouth rests open, letting drool leak out. Gross but still oddly cute. I walk towards him and reach out to touch him, when he grabs my hand and pulls me on top of him. I shriek on surprise as I'm forced into a straddle position.

"Good morning."


Adam's Pov

I knock on my dad's door a couple of times, nervously shifting between my feet. The door opens, and I hurriedly walk into the apartment.

"Well, just come right in." He say sarcastically, take a sip of his water.

"So what do I owe the favor?"

"Maybe you should sit down." I say biting on my nails. My heart pounds in my chest rapidly, so loud I'm scared he can hear it.

"Ok." Dad says suspiciously taking a seat slowly. He takes a sip of water as I spill the news.

"I have a kid," I say and he starts choking on his water.

"What?" He says, still coughing.

"I have a daughter. That tattoo I got wasn't the name of some random girl it was my daughter's name, Ada." I blurt out.

"What?" Pops asks slowly.

"She's three years old." I continue.

"How were you able to keep a three year old away from me!" He shouts, and then rests his head in his hands. 

"I don't know."

"When did this happen?" Dad said surprised. I wipe water off my face before.

"It was one night with a girl when I 15 and I didn't use protection. When she got pregnant she didn't promised not to tell anyone." I rush out.

"How long have you known?"

"Three years."

"Oh my god."

He let's out a disappointed sigh before placing his head in his hands.

"Did you tell your little sister?" He said with his head still down.

"I was just on my way to tell her after this."

"No no you can't tell her right now. Vana already had enough stress right now."

"Stress from what?"

Then dad explained me that Jeanine thought Vana was divergent so she had to complete her fear landscape. I felt anger start to rise in me at the thought that Vana might have been killed last night.

"Why wasn't I there with her last night?" I mutter under my breath.

"Because I knew she wasn't divergent. She was going to be fine." He says casually taking another swig.

"How can you act so calm about this? She could have been murdered." I start to raise my voice at him, without really realize. That's when he snaps and gets in my face.

"Don't you raise your voice at me boy." He spits in my face, making me flinch away and bow my head.

He sighs before motioning for me to follow him. We walk to his room, passing up my and Vana's old room. Dad then starts looking through a box underneath his bed.

"You know, your mother loved to take pictures of you and your baby sister. I don't like looking at the pictures that much, because it makes me feel depressed. But I love this one." He hands me a picture of a younger version of me and Vana. Baby Vana seems only a few days old and I seem about 2. I am leaned over a sleeping Vana, kissing her cheek.

"I know you're protective of Vana, and I understand. But you need to remember that Vana is going to grow up and she's going to get a boyfriend, and have sex-" I flinch at the sex and Vana in the same sentence. "And you're going to have to accept it, like you will have to do with your kid."

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