Chapter 29: An Anniversary

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Eric's POV

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Eric's POV

My eyelids open and my eyes adjust to the darkness in the room. The perks of living in an underground compound. I glance at the clock.

8:39 a.m

 My arm instinctively reaches out to hug Vana closer to me, but I only feel sheets. Sitting up, I look at the alarm clock on our night stand. I smile at my words.

Our night stand.

 I never thought that I would ever fall in love with someone, but here I am loving and being loved. A whole year of affection. It's seems that I've become addicted to her touch, and smile, and attitude, and of just her. 

I flop back down onto the bed.

"A whole year." I whisper to myself like I'm trying on a shirt for size.

 It fits.

Vana then rushes into the room, but I swear everything is in slow motion. Her blue hair flies into her eyes and she annoyingly pushes it behind her ear. I watch her small fingers. 

"Seriously, what do you think if I cut my hair?" She whispers to me.

"Don't do it, don't cut your hair."

I look into her violet eyes and my heart melts. 


"Yeah, You're all like, 'Ug, I'm so serious. I can't smile. Now I'm gonna cross my arms." 

"Well I'm sorry Ms.Perfect."


"Pfft, if you can call me Mr.Serious, I can call you Ms.Perfect." 

My eyes linger from her eyes to her neck. On her pale skin is a bruise that I inflicted.

"Eric! Ugh you left a mark on my neck!" 

My eyes slowly slide down to her running around in my shirt. I bite my lip as I watch the hem of my shirt on her body. It slowly raises and falls at her mid thigh. I snap out of my daze when she reaches over and shakes me. Everything speeds up to it's normal speed.

"Eric! Help everything is on fire!" She screams and then turns around and runs back toward the kitchen. My once droopy eyes, widen and I jump out of bed and run into the kitchen.

Our once bland kitchen is now decorated with colorful balloons with the number one on them. Streamers hang from the walls in an assortment of colors. I look at the stove to find a pot on fire. Vana grabs the broom and starts trying to beat out the fire.

"No don't!" I yell but I was too late because Vana now holds a broom on fire.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Her high pitched scream echos through our apartment. I grab the broom from her and tug her behind me. I blow into the broom in panic  although I know my breath won't do anything. Soon the fire sprinklers go off and rain on us. The water puts out the fire, thankfully, but it also leaves us and our kitchen soaking wet. 

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