Chapter 19: Territorial

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Eric Pov

After glancing at the blood on my hands, I look back up at the kid. His right eye was so swollen and most of the right side of his was bruised, along with a split lip. I feel slightly satisfied staring at the damage I had done, even if I shouldn't.

'You get tough like me and you don't get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin' can touch you...'

That was one of the most important lessons I learned. That's why I got in all those fights back in Erudite. When the other kids picked on me after my father's death, I didn't do anything. But after reading a certain book, I stood up for myself. But Dallas WInston's words were wrong in a way.

You don't just protect yourself.

"Hey Newman! I hope no hard feelings. We all know she was going to leave you for me anyway." The kid says, wiping blood from his nose.

You protect what's yours.

With that thought I let the beast out inside of me. I struggle against all the arms holding me back, so much anger in me I have no control over myself.

I hear screaming and chaos in the back ground, but all I focus on is the dumb kid.

"Eric!" I hear Vana shout next to me. I look next to me to see her with a frightened expression, Couldn't blame her, I haven't been this angry in a while.

I fight so hard that I break through the arms and start sprinting towards him. But, a hand grabs onto the back of my shirt and pulls me back.

"Shit!" I scream as I feel a sting on the side of neck and ten cool liquid run through my veins. All of a sudden, everything starts spinning. I try to take a step forward, but my knees buckle and I see the ground rush towards me.


Vana Pov

I sit in a waiting room chair waiting for them to let me see Eric. At first, I had to wait for Eric to wake up. And now I have to wait for Max to stop fussing at him. I see Everret peek his head out of Eric's infirmary room and wave me over.

"You can come in." He says, opening the door wide enough for me to walk in. I walk in just as Max finishes screaming. I see that Eric is laying down on the infirmary bed shirtless, a big bruise spreading across the right side of his rib cage. His arm is thrown over his eyes so he doesn't notice I'm in the room.

I turn to see that Max already left and that Everret was leaning on a wall.

"I'm still not understanding, why would you hit the kid?" Everret asks. Eric groans, but doesn't remove the arm from is eyes.

"He was talking about Vana and I just got angry." Everret's eyes meet mine, and his lips spread into an amused grin.

"I can defend myself." I say factually. He jumps and quickly moves his arm from his eyes. Eric sits up and looks at me confused.

"When did you get here?" I notice that his eyebrow had stitches.

"I-" A yawn escapes my lips before I could stop it. "I was waiting in the waiting room for you to wake up."

"Shit, it's like 3 am you should be sleeping." He says standing up quickly, but then hissing in pain. "We need to get you home."

"Wait, don't you need to stay overnight?" I say, trying to push him back on the bed.

"No, they did whatever they could do. I already got my stitches and that's about it." I furrow my eyebrows and gently touch his bruised side with one finger. He flinches away from the finger and puts on his shirt.

"See you're still hurt. You need to get checked on."

"Don't worry about me. Come on, lets get you home." He says, pushing me out the room.


"Eric we really need to talk about this." I say walking into my apartment.

"What is there to talk about? Just go to bed." Eric says frustrated. I glare at him and fold my arms over my chest."Fine come on let's talk."

We walk in and I take a seat on my couch while he kneels on his knees and takes my hands in his. I look at the serious expression on his face.

"You know I'd never hit you right?" He says seriously.

"Yeah, why would I ever think you'd hit me?" I say confused.

"You just seemed kinda scared when you saw how angry I was."

My cheeks heat up slightly when he says that. If i'm being honest, I was kind of scared of Eric in that moment. He can't know that though.

"I'm not scared of you Eric." I lie slyly.

"No I know you were scared and I understand, sometimes I'm scary. But you need to know that in the future, if this happens, no matter how mad I get that I'd never hit you. And if you let me, I'll take care of you."

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