Chapter 7: Capture The Flag

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I wake up to someone poking my side. I groan and scoot away from the finger. But the probing continues.





My eyes snap open and I smack who over was poking me in the face.

"Owww. Really Vana?" I recognize the voice as Sara.

"I would apologize, but I at this point I don't give a fuck. So..." I say groggily.

"See what I'm talking about, she's just like Eric!" Peyton said gesturing to me.

"Shut up, asshole." I say sitting up.

"Ok come on, it's time, show us the tattoo!" Sara nearly screaming and sitting on my bed.

"Yeah, show us!" Pheonix agreed, sitting next to me.

"Let the truth be revealed!" Peyton said, lifting me up and sitting me on his lap.

"Ewww get off." I said struggling against him.

"Haha don't struggle, it only makes it worse." Peyton says, keeping me on his lap.

Hunter soon peels away the gauze covering his tattoo.

"Bro, this has got tobe the smartest idea Sara has ever had." Pheonix says, awed at his tattoo.

"Make that the only smart idea Sara has ever had." I joked.

Sara playfully shoved me, arguing that it wasn't true.

"Oh please, we all now you would automatically fail Erudite the second you stepped into their headquarters." Peyton said.

"Oh come on, Hunter you don't think that do you?" Sara asked, turning to Hunter.

"She's not that dumb guys." He answered.

"Did you hear what he said? He said 'not that dumb' implying that she is somewhat dumb!" Pheonix says.

"I truly hate all of you guys..."


I got dressed in a dark grey muscle shirt that said, 'Roses are red, violets are blue. I've got five fingers, and the middle one is for you'. I slipped on some black ripped jeans, and my regular worn out combat boots.

And when I mean worn-out, I mean it.

I've only had these shoes for about a year, they look like I've had them for all my life.

There were scuff marks, scratches, a minor rip, holes, and even a stain from dog piss.

The only thing that I have to say about the dog piss is, Adam needs to sleep with smarter girls.

I shoot an arrow at the target, getting a bulls eye.

"Bet you can't do that with your eyes closed! Showoff." I hear a squeaky annoying voice next to me.


"Bet you can't do it with your eyes open!" I mimicked her annoying voice.

This was very true, her years of being in Dauntless definitely did not show.

Her arrows mostly ended up clattering to the ground.

She shot daggers at me with her eyes, and tried shooting another arrow, this one completely disappearing from everyone's view.

It was almost the end of the day, 5:56 to be exact.

Those four minutes passed by quickly, and soon I was heading into the training room.

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