Chapter 28: Hungover

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"Up, up." Someone shakes my shoulder and coos at me in a whisper voice. I groan and open my eyes to find me not in bed, but sitting up with my head in my hands in a meeting room. The sunglasses blocked anyone from seeing my eyes, so no one knew I just slept through the entire meeting.

"Ok, and that wraps up today's meeting. Hope you all get back to your faction's safely." Jeanine smiles at all of us, and exits out of the room. Isaac waves at me from the doorway and follows behind Jeanine.

I glance around the room to see Jack Kang, Johanna Reyes, Andrew Prior, and Marcus Eaton. We all start picking up our stuff and head out the door towards the main entrance. I groggily walk down the hallway, holding onto Eric's hand.

"Were you asleep in there Vana?" Johanna asks and my face reddens.

"No, I was just bored like always." I lie.

"You're lying." Jack says and I roll my eyes.

"Jack, I thought you were my partner in crime!" I say teasingly.

"Of course I am Vana. Since birth ride or die." He ruffles my blue hair.

"Um, excuse me I am partner in crime." Johanna argues playfully.

"Um, who was the one who dropped everything to see her birth? Oh yeah me." Jack says.

"You know that I tried but all the buses were closed that day Kang. Who was the one who gave her the peace serum to put in the cafeteria's food? Oh yeah me." Johanna say throwing her arms around me and pulling me away from Jack.

"I gave her the truth serum for her teacher!" Jack says pulling me towards him.

"Actually, who got her out of all the trouble she got from those pranks? Oh yeah, me." Max pulls me towards him.

"Actually, I made her so really I'm her partner in crime." Pops jumps in a yanks me from Max.

"Ow dad." I say, and rub my arm.

"Sorry baby girl." He says, pecking me on the top of my head. I shrug off his arms and walk ahead of the bickering adults.

"Hello, Vana. I hate to ask you this question again but, how's Tobias?" Marcus asks me. He always asks me this after our monthly leader meetings. It's always weird hearing Four's real name.

"He's the same as always. Passive aggressive, and sassy." I say. I think harder, and a smile spreads across my face at the memory of last night.

"Actually though, he is becoming quite fond of one his initiates. She also transferred from Abnegation this year. I think her name is like Kris?" I say trying to recall blondie's name.

"Beatrice? My daughter Beatrice." Andrew says.

"Does she have blonde hair?" He nods and smile.

"Oh yes Andrew, I almost forgot that your daughter was in initiation. She's doing really good right now, first in rankings if I remember correctly-" Andrew cuts me off with a dismissive shake of the head.

"I don't want to hear about how she's doing." He says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, faction before blood" He says, opening the door for me to go outside. I open my mouth to thank him but Pop's voice interupts me.

"If I ejaculated my sperm to create Vana, she is my little girl." Pops yells.

"Dad!" I scream, and my head aches more right after.

"Paul, that was uncalled for." Jack says, walking away shaking his head.

"What? It was the truth! Your the leader of Candor aren't you all about the truth?" Pops tries to defned himself.

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