Chapter 4: Pheonix

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Sara- Chris

We fought against the people that were written on the board.

When it was about my turn to fight Pheonix, I was anything but prepared. Eric had kept me up most of the night and now, I payed the consequences. I try to shake off my tired as I step in the ring.

We start to circle each other, waiting for someone to make the first move. I throw a punch at his eye, but he easily dodges. I hear the door close, and take a quick glance to see Eric had just walked in.

Big Mistake.

While I was distracted, Pheonix punches me in the stomach.

Really shouldn't have eaten a big breakfast this morning.

After successfully keeping down my lunch, I knee him in his crotch. He groans and crumbles to the amd with him on the ground I punch him untill he's unconscious.

"Winner Vana." Lauren shouts and circles my name on the board.

I try to pick up Pheonix, but struggle when I realize he was extremely heavy.

Damn, dude lay off the dauntless cake.

"Give me him." I hear Eric's sharp voice snap. He picks Pheonix up and walks out. I awkwardly stand back and watch Sara fight Chris.


"Hey." Sara says plainly, taking a seat at our table.

She had unfortunately lost the fight to Chris and had just returned from the hospital. She had a dark purple bruise on her eye, that was going to heal in the morning. The rest of us had won our fights. Although, Peyton had a cut on his lip and Hunter had a scrape on his cheek from a ring.

"How's your eye?" Hunter asked.

Didn't ask us about our wounds...

"Fine." She answers.

I feel a presence take a seat next to me and look up to see Pheonix.

" Hey Pheo- ewwww." He had quite a few bruises on his face and it took everything in me not to cringe.

"Wow thanks." He says sarcastically. "It's not my fault you decided to punch me repeatedly in the face."

"I didn't get off the hook either." I say, lifting my shirt to show him the bruise on my stomach.

"Gross." The skin was yellowish greenish. A horrible color to see on stomachs really. He starts poking at it with his fork.



I walk into the training room pulling my blue hair into a pony tail. A strand falls in my face and I roughly push it back.

Stupid hair.

"Hey Eric, what do you think if I cut my hair short?" I shout across the room.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" He says turning around with a stone hard voice.

"Hey Eric, what do you think if I cut my hair short?" I say in a deeper voice.

Before blinking, Eric is in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Watch your mouth firecracker."

"Why do you call me firecracker?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

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