Chapter 2 im the lost princess

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~Amy pove~ What? You will see now just close your eyes . Ok? Where here open your eyes. (Gasp) it's a beautiful castle made of pink shells and corals. Come this way he said. Hello Queen Mary this is Amy Winehouse. Hello this is the queen? Of the village? But how coke this place is so pretty? Maybe I'm just loosing it .Oh hello Amy Winehouse I'm Queen Mary Queen of the merpeople how can I help you two? Come to think of it she looks very similar to me? Just the eyes I guess she has same blond hair and same tan just I got brown muddy eyes and she has sparkling blue ones. Majesty we have terrible news about the village! What seems to be the mater? The demons are back! No that can't be! While there talking I'm staring at that handsam Ronaldo I mean look at those blue eyes and blond hair and tamed skin not to mention the abs. Amy! What? The Queen wants to see you. Oh okay. Dear Amy Winehouse you look very familiar have we meet? I I I don't think so. Hmm maybe I can ask some questions? Of course my majesty. First of are you from the land? Yes my Queen. Ok and when you were a baby what do you remember? Umm I remember a kind lady she was my mother but she was being chased by some mermaids but they had black tails and red eyes then the woman landed up on the shore and gave me to my (gasp) my human parents wait a minute I only noticed now her tail is just like mine ! Your my mom!!! Yes. we're both crying .mom! Daughter your real name is Gemma Hayes but you can choose which name. Okay I think I'll have both. Not to interrupt on this golden family before he could finish a sword goes right through the windows right in my back . Owe what the? Everything went black ~Ronaldo pove~
What happened? She got stabbed! Can you heal her Queen?? I'll try. I'm crying so hard I can't breath. Thank goodness she starts to wake up . Queen we must get out here right away! Let's go. 50 miles away from the castle just a little bit further Ronaldo. I'm caring Amy. Ok it's so hard to swim like this! We're here quickly put here done on that bed. ~Amy pove~
When I woke up I was in bed but something was wrong something warm was holding me? Oh it's just Ronaldo he's so cute I try to get out but he wakes up and wakes up The Queen. So are we going to war? Yes . What? Did you like answer my question in my mind? Yes hahaha. Ok well then let's get ready but I think there is a hole army there? And where just three people. No were not. What do you mean? The Queen isn't breathing. Oh no. I just found my mom and now ! She's dead?

Authors note :
Hi guys can I please get 5 votes and there will be and update soon thanks love ~ casandra~

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