Chapter 10:Prom night

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~Rachel~ let's go ruin That dress! Hey babe! Oh ill get us some punch I walk to the punch bowl good thing they turned the water out! I pick up three glasses. Janine walks past I throw it but Maralise jumps in my way and saves her! Hey you ruined my plan! I saved my friend! What? Aaagh! What's wrong? James!she knows James? Yeah sis? She threw this on me! What? He looks at me babe? You threw punch on my sister? Sister he has a sister? We're through! No I didn't aaagh! You did this I point at Maralise Hey hey little dirty pink finger away from her! Oh now is on! Go leave us alone! Shoo she waves her hands
. A aah I storm out and run to the costs road. And there is the coral reefs probity of the school. Hello? Someone's there! Hello? Um hello. Come out from the shadow! But who are you. This is school property if you aren't in the high class school of Rosemary Lane then you get out! Well I'm in the school and I'm not listening To You Rachel! Who are you! Tony Blair and I am a man who has been..... okay that is enough! Okay. And I'm eighteen. Okay so Tony Blair. Come out this instance or else! Or else what? If your in the school you would know who I am. I know you little miss popular. Stop calling me that! Okay sheep's butt. Sheep's butt? I don't get it? Okay um Starfish hook. Gasp he just sware at me! Oh it's on okay you seem human? No no no no no I'm not human? Why would you say that? Because you said Sheep's butt? That's um um um yes I'm a human and half merman. Okay but come out! Okay. Gasp! Your a a A.... demon? Yeah I'm a demon sigh.

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