Chapter 10: I like you!

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At school ~Grant's pov~ okay I can do it okay! Hi Maralise um I  I I  like like I hesitate and look around Yes? Um flowers yeah I like flowers! Stupid stupid stupid it can't be that hard just to look at a girl and say I like you and wanna date? Aaagh! They make it look so easy I'm the movies! I can try!   Flowers? No I I like.... yes? I like y y yo..... ring ring oh sorry let me just see who's calling. dang she looks so nice  and I can't even say something to her! Man I sick at love it's fine if she doesn't like you/me it's her loss at least that's what Wendy said. So what we're you saying? I like you! Oh my I did it !! Victory dance in your head that would be embarrassing if you did it in front of her! Wow Grant well I like you to! Yay! Will you be my girlfriend? Of course! Wow! Wait a sec love in our family it's weird we all like each other wait Sam! She didn't ask Pedro! Wait let me ask her do you like me because I'm royal? No and your royal? She doesn't know hah this is the best girlfriend I've ever had! Okay um wanna get a milkshake after school? Sure! ~Sam's pov~ ask him h' sits in front of you! Okay!  Um I tap his shoulder yes? Do you um like me? Well Samantha it's hard to say because every boy likes you and I got crazy Jealous so?   I hope he does!   I do!  Sh Mr Merrier. Yay.  After school ~Grant's pov ~ okay Text:mom I'm going to um milky sea horse and ill be home at 4 bye thanks .. okay there she is she's so nice.  So you ready? Yeah let's go! At milky sea horse What would you like? Strawberry please! We say at the same time hahhahaha wow so let me get to know you better I put my hand on hers okay so you know my name I'm from the Indian ocean, I'm not that rich I live in a one story I have Two brothers Rico and James my surname is  Martin and Rico is  thirty and James is seventeen. Wow I didn't know any of that! I know all about you though! Haha how the paparazzi? Mainly magazines. Hahaha!  3:00 pm I had a nice time today she says while smiling she moves closer Me too ....  she kisses me. Wow my first kiss!!!! I I I I'm speechless oh sorry was I to fast forward? No! Great she thinks it's her when  I'm being the idiot! No I must go home thanks for everything bye see you tomorrow!

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