Chapter 7: I hate you!

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at home ~Janine's prove~ girls girls!!!! Guess what happened!! What? Dean likes me!!! Aaa!!! But girls! What? Mike likes me!! Wow! Sam? Yeah. Are you okay? Did he ask you!? No sigh. Maybe tomorrow? Sisters. Grant? Um I need help. What king of help? Girl help. Oooooooooooo who is It !!? I might like two girls. What!!! Who tell me now!! Yeah okay I like Rachel but u also like the new girl blond blue eyes and blue tail and hee name is Maralise and well.... I get it you like both and you can't choose which? Well I know who to choose Maralise she is kind but reason why not Rachel because she likes Jones the rugby player. Oh but what if she doesn't like me! Sigh. Don't worry Bro everything will be fine next Monday. Monday? Yeah today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday then Sunday..... okay I get it! That night the worst thing possible happened Sam was kidnapped Sam!!!! What's wrong mom? Sam she's gone !! She's been kidnapped!! And it is all my fault! Mom it's not your fault we will just find her. And of we dont? Aaagh!! Dad!! What's wrong? Sam is gone she's been kidnapped. What!! Call the office or the Guards!! Do something! Let's go!! ~??prove~ I will kill you and your kind you disgusting creatures! Please who are you don't hurt me please! I'm your grandfather but I don't want to be related to your kind ! You evil gross fish! Bang! What was that? Mom!!! Honey! Wait dad? Is that you! I I I hae you! You kidnapped my child! Only because your a a mermaid there I said it I hate mermaids and mer people and merman I hate them all!! Gasp Dad! How could you! Guards take him away! Baby no no ill change! No you won't ~Grant's prove~ I don't know if I want to do this. What if she hates me!? I I can't call! Come on Grant I gave you the number use it! Wendy I I can't. Fine ill do it. No! Beep beep hi this is Maralise who is this? This is Wendy Grant's sister I was wondering who you like because I have to know for the school it's a thing. Oh okay? Well I like two guys and I don't know who to choose! Tell me them and I'll help you. Okay um I like Grant and Jones.. oh well Jones likes Rachel sorry but Grant likes you!

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