Chapter 20: Hey I like you

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At school Lilly's pov~ okay yeah yeah hm yes.. are you listening to me Lilly! Yes I am sorry I'm just thinking Katie. Okay well if you were listening you would have heard me say that Harry jaut gave you the-i-like-you look! Oh my neptune! Neptune?I mean my word! Sorry I was reading those stories agian! Okay? She looks worried don't worry I'm sure what's his face will five you the look! He's name is James Martin! Okay yeash! Let go to class. After school it's a Friday wanna come to my house? Yeah of course I'm trying to you know get away from my parents.. why? I can't tell you! We were friends since we were born! Okay but somewhere more secret.. at the island why on earth are you so fast! And why am I slower? Okay I'm going to explain the story and then I'll show you for prove! Okay... After explaining and showing her Oh thank goodness! Why? I'm a werewolf.. what! Wait.. hello! Gasp aaa! Don't worry this is my granpa he skinned his fingers around and Katie could breath underwater at the castle mom cousin! Yes who is this? I'm Katie nice to meet you.. 7 hours later so your grandmother was my grandmother's best friend? Yes . Grandma I forgot to tell you this is your best friends granddaughter! Oh my really? that's amazing! After we all went home the next Monday at school I've been visiting my other family for a while now and sleeping at then then swimming back to school.. today is when everyone has the *special outing* you ready for the outing? Yip you? Yip I heard we have to sit boy girl. Booo! Hahaha .on the bus I'm sitting next to you know who harry and Katie is sitting next to James so Lilly who do you like? I would um rather not say.. I like you Lilly. You like me? Yip.. I heard Katie say yes and hold his hand your not planking me are you? No I really like you. Then it hit me he likes well they like us? The next day it was so fun until the end of the day hey guys harry and James said standing on the table you know who likes us? Who? Those freaks! Hahaha hah the hole room was looking and laughing at me and Katie now we will prove to the world that these girls are frieaks! James threw a bag after meat on her and harry threw a glass of water on me. Oh no! We ran to the bathroom and locked the door then I dried my self while she wet her self so you turn into a wolf when.. meat goes on me but only until I can control it. But I can't. I think mermaids can't and es water touches me and blam instant tail! Yeah luckily we locked the door thud bang bang there trying to get in! At least we're dry! Quick out the windows! At the island I think this is the safest place for now at least.. yeah... thud bang I think there coming! Quick let's go to the castle! At the castle after we told the story we stayed her for a bit I think you girls should stay with us for a little bit. Okay. I agree! Okay good.. and by the way girls um. Yes? Your hair is brown? What? It's brown not blond! Oh my. This happens but some of us its the other way. Okay well that's cool.. aa! What was that? Sam turned the TV on its the demons. There back! What demons? Everyone in the secret room. We added a fridge and freezer so you can live there for a while until the war is over and lock your self's in there go go go!

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