Chapter 9: Quick hospital now!!

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~Wendy's prove~ please let me go just pet me go please!!! Not in till I tell you a story! Oh goodness no!!!!!! One day my daughter (your mother) went swimming and she we the under I swam after her but saw she had a tail and there was a man with her I swam up for air and left to tell my wife she left it but it was it was going to ruon my reputation with everything! I tried to kill her! But I couldn't. No stop please! I'm leaving just get these chains off me! Gasp Grandpa? Is that you!? No! You can't call me that! Hey you human! What? Leave my grandchild alone! Grandpa!! Wendy! Kids great Wendy go ill take care of him! Where do we go? Home!! Aaaagh!!!! And with that they went home mom! Dad! What? Grandpa took me and now he's fighting and and start to cry it's okay we will go there no you stay here. But. ... no buts I'm not letting you you die! Okay mom... In the room guys. What? Grandpa is evil I know Wendy I tries to tell you! But noo he's fine your just imaging things! Sorry Sam. Guys I don't know if. what? If Pedro likes me. I mean you guys were fine me and Grant are left out sigh. Don't worry he will like you!

You sure? What if he likes Rachel? I'm sick of that Rachel Samantha go for it!! If he doesn't that's his problem!
At the cave ~Grandpa's prove ~ you kidnapped my Grandchildren you will pay! With one punch he was out everything went black _______________ ~Ronaldo's prove~ Dad!! Call the Ambulance get him to the hospital now!!! Phone Ring Ring Hello. We need an ambulance now and send the gourds! Right away King Roberto! You! Once he was punched,kicked and slaped he passed out. At the hospital is he okay doc? Well he's nose is broken as well as he's tail and he has fractured he's neck. oh no! Honey I'm so sorry. It's not your fault. Leslie get home after I visit him. Honey. Yes? The kids? Don't worry it will just take 10 minutes. Okay. At the house ~Grants prove~ I'm so confused I like two girls the one girl likes the jock or rugby player I really don't care! And the other well I haven't met yet but she likes me. Grant? Um you there? Yes sorry! Grant I'm thinking it's been like two hours since mom and dad left I'm getting worried. Don't worry Samantha everything will be fine! Guys this way. What? There is something I need to show you. Janine just show us already! Okay. She opened a door with the same wallpaper as the walls how could we not seen this! For all these years! Oh my goodness! What is this room! Painted with mermaids with hands shaped as letters. What does it say? I think um wendy? No clue,Sam? It says ¤~'÷=《》¡¿♡♡♥\__~| . Yes Sam but what does it mean? I don't know? Wait look there hands it says ONE DAY ON A WINDY FULL MOON THERE WILL BE A WAR IN THE YEAR 2004 AND WHEN THAT IS OVER THE WORLD WILL HAVE PEACE AGIAN BUT THAT IS NOT THE END WHEN IT'S OVER AND THE NEXT GENERATION IS DONE THERE WILL BE A WAR AGIAN BUT NOT DEMONS HUMANS! Gasp wait I think Grandpa is part of the human war! Because 2004 was such a long time ago and that is over but humans thy can't go in water I think we will go up there? Grant! How could you think or say that! Kids were home! Oh no mom and dad are back quickly get out let's go! Downstairs kids. Yes? Grandpa is in the hospital. Gasp oh no! Don't worry he's just healing he'll be fine in a month or so. Go to sleep kids it's school tomorrow.

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